Keeping Cosy This Winter - Tips for Staying Warm

Wondering how best to stay safe in the Winter weather? Wondering how to keep your client wrapped up and warm? Read our advice below:

As the temperatures drop, it’s important for seniors and those who care for them to take extra precautions to stay warm throughout the colder months. Here are some key tips:

For clients:

  • Wear several lightweight layers of clothing instead of one thick layer
  • Have blankets readily available and make use of a hot water bottle
  • Keep homes heated to at least 18°C and avoid drafty rooms
  • Ensure proper insulation and seal drafts around windows and doors
  • Drink warm drinks like tea or broth to maintain core body temperature

For families:

  • Check-in with elderly loved ones regularly and ensure their heating is working
  • Help stock emergency supplies like batteries, food and medication
  • Maintain clear pathways to avoid falls on ice or snow
  • Offer transportation to indoor activities on bitterly cold days

For Care Professionals:

  • Monitor clients’ heating levels during visits and report any issues
  • Encourage warm meals and limit time spent in very cold areas
  • Teach hand-warming techniques like rubbing muscles to increase circulation
  • Watch for signs of hypothermia like confusion or slurred speech

With a little added care and caution, seniors can stay snug and safe throughout the winter months. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any assistance keeping cosy!

You can visit the government website for more advice on staying warm and well in the cold weather: Keeping warm and well: staying safe in cold weather – GOV.UK (