How to Spot the Signs of Parkinson's Disease

Wondering what the early signs of Parkinson's Disease are? Wondering "how do I know if my loved one has Parkinson's"? Here are some signs to look out for.

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological disorder that can be difficult to diagnose in its early stages. As a Care Professional or family caregiver, it’s important to be aware of some common signs that may indicate a client has Parkinson’s.

Tremor at Rest
One of the telltale signs is a tremor that occurs when a limb is relaxed, such as a hand or fingers. The tremor is often more pronounced on one side of the body.

Slowed Movement (Bradykinesia)
Everyday tasks like getting dressed, writing, or walking may seem slower and more difficult than normal. Movement becomes limited over time.

Stiffness (Rigidity)
Muscles may feel tight, making movements like turning the head or swinging the arms restricted. Arms and legs may be held in flexed positions.

Poor Balance and Gait
Walking becomes smaller in stride and hesitant. Balance issues increase fall risks as the disease progresses.

Loss of Automatic Movement
Small movements like blinking, smiling and swinging arms when walking are reduced. Facial expressions become diminished.

If you notice several of these signs persisting over months in a client, especially along with tremors at rest, consult their doctor. Early diagnosis allows for more effective treatment options for Parkinson’s management. If you want some more information on Parkinsons disease, please visit

At Home Instead, our Care Professionals are trained to spot many different illnesses and diseases. If you’re considering at-home care for yourself or a loved one, get in touch now to find out more about how we can help.