Welcome to our July Newsletter

Welcome to the latest issue of Older Wiser Together (OWT).

The aim of OWT is to become a trusted and valued part of our community.

Welcome to our July Newsletter

Welcome to the latest issue of Older Wiser Together (OWT).

The aim of OWT is to become a trusted and valued part of our community, particularly for those aged 50 or over who may be looking for new opportunities, social events, and challenges, as well as tips for independent living. We cover from Bude, Launceston, Callington, Holsworthy, Okehampton, Tavistock, Saltash and Torpoint.  We hope you’ll find useful information on initiatives and activities in your area.

Do you have lots of questions about care and not sure where to turn? Are you aware of Powers of Attorney?  Our Director, Lynn Roddy and Raegan Leather of Woollcombe Yonge Solicitors will be available to answer any questions at  Tavistock Area Support Services – TASS Friday 7th July from 11am to 1pm (and then every first Friday of the month)

Recently, we attended the National and International Perspectives of Dementia Conference held by University of Plymouth. Hosted by Angela Rippon and David “Fitz” Fitzgerald, the event included some fantastic speakers including Prof Bart De Strooper of the UK Dementia Research Institute andMajor General (Retd) Nick Caplin of Bravo Victor.

If you care for a loved one, it is important to look after your own wellbeing too. Our Care Professionals can come to your home to give you a break from day-to-day caring of your loved one and offer you much-needed support.  Our Care Professionals can help to take a loved one out into the countryside maybe for a walk on the Tarka Trail near Hatherleigh or to visit a local cafe for a coffee.  We have lots of suggestions on our website of nice places for a coffee in your area – such as The Kitchen Cafe Tavistock. Getting out and about is key to well-being and thus overall good health.

We always welcome feedback, constructive criticism, and submissions for OWT, particularly from those of you with professional or charitable links to our community. Do get in touch if you have something you’d like to share. Please feel free to forward this Newsletter to family, friends, and colleagues.

Best wishes,

The Older Wiser Together Team.

Stone building with blue door, vertical flower garden, and window displaying hanging ornaments with "The" sign. - Home Instead

Care and Legal Advice Drop in

Our Director, Lynn Roddy, will be joined by Raegan Leather of Woolcombe Yonge Solicitors on a series of free care and legal advice sessions.  From 11am to 1pm on the first Friday of the month Raegan and Lynn will be at Tavistock Area Support Services – TASS.

Do you have lots of questions about care and not sure where to turn? Are you aware of Powers of Attorney? Do drop in and have a chat to help you or a loved one on their care and legal related questions.

Flyer for care and legal advice event with photos of two women, organized by Home Instead and Woollcombe Yonge Solicitors. - Home Instead

Care Professional Meeting

We always aim to see our Care Professionals as often as we can and our quarterly meetings are always well attended. We provide updates on new intitiatives and consolidate on training.  Supporting our clients with their medication is a key part of our role and this was the theme of our last meeting.

The value of just coming together in person, to chat, catch up, share best practice and support each other cannot be underestimated.  Happy Care Professionals help to make happy clients!

A group of seven people are sitting on chairs in a circle, engaging in a discussion in a room with red walls and posters. - Home Instead

Okey Memory Cafe

Okey Memory Cafe had a visit from the Cycling Without Age trishaw recently.  The memory cafe members enjoyed a trip round Simmons Park, practising their royal wave!  The Okehampton Times managed to catch a great photo and we made the front page!

We work with Community Links and OCRAto bring this supportive memory cafe to the community.  We play games, do quizzes, have themed weeks and guest entertainers. Please do let anyone know who may benefit from coming along, and get in touch if you are interested in volunteering.  A warm welcome awaits.  Read more here.  Contact Vicky by email  [email protected] or call 07933 663796

People ride in a bicycle-pulled cart on the cover of the Okehampton newspaper under the headline "Riding by!. - Home Instead

National and International Perspectives of Dementia Conference

Hosted by Angela Rippon and David “Fitz” Fitzgeraldthe National and International Perspectives of Dementia Conference, held by University of Plymouth, was a thought provoking day.  We heard from a global range of speakers, with hope for new medications, and also from those on their journey with dementia and their loved ones.  It was a fantastic day with much to reflect on. Fitz even had a cuddle with our cat!

A man with red suspenders holds a robotic cat at a booth in a busy event tent. - Home Instead

Funding Success for Cycling Without Age

Cycling Without Age has been awarded some grant funding by Devon County Council and the Growing Communities Fund.  Additionally Fernbank Advertising have made a very generous donation to help with the long term running of the charity. This support is magnificent!! TheCycling Without Age trishaws are busy across west Devon and East Cornwall and are hoping to be able to offer more rides as our volunteer capacity grows.

Two elderly women sit side by side in a trishaw while two men in high-visibility vests stand behind them, smiling. - Home Instead

Finding the Right Care for Your Loved One

Choosing the right care provider for your loved one is a significant decision. Home Instead is a CQC outstanding-rated care provider, covering Tavistock and Tamar Valley, including Launceston, Holsworthy, Bude, Saltash, Callington, Torpoint, Plymouth, and Okehampton. Our commitment to offering exceptional care and support ensures your loved one’s unique needs are met. The guide on our website will provide you with essential tips for selecting a compassionate, professional carer.Read more here – Finding the Right Home Care to help you on your journey.

Two women sitting on a bench outdoors, smiling and engaged in conversation on a sunny day. - Home Instead