How Can I Arrange Home Care for My Aging Parents

It’s completely natural for elderly parents to face challenges with everyday tasks as they age. Whether you’re unable to provide direct assistance or live too far away to lend a hand, there comes a point when you may need to seek help. This need might arise due to an injury, illness, or simply the natural ageing process.

If you’re in this situation, you’ve probably considered arranging home care services for your parents. But where do you begin the process of organising in-home care? Continue reading for some valuable insights…

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Elderly man in a wheelchair smiling and holding a pug at home with shelves and plants in the background. - Home Instead

Starting Point: Your first step in exploring home care options

Your first step is to contact Home Instead South Manchester & North Trafford. We can facilitate a care needs assessment, which is instrumental in understanding the level of home care or assistance your parents require. This assessment can also identify potential home adaptations to make their life more comfortable.

While your parents may need assistance with various tasks, the primary goal is to promote their independence for as long as possible.

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Two women, one elderly and one younger, playing a board game and smiling at a wooden table with framed art on the wall. - Home Instead

Types of Assistance Home Care Professionals Offer

Home care often extends beyond traditional nursing care. Carers can provide a wide range of services tailored to your parent’s needs, including:

  1. Household Chores: Sometimes, all your parents may need is help with household tasks that have become challenging due to ageing, such as cleaning and meal preparation.
  2. Personal Care: Carers can offer assistance with personal tasks like bathing, dressing, and getting in and out of bed.
  3. Errands: They can help with daily errands like grocery shopping and even unpacking groceries at home.
  4. Social Support: Care Professionals also offer social companionship, ensuring your parents have regular contact and emotional support. This may involve activities like sitting down for a chat, providing transportation to a day centre, or helping them stay engaged in their hobbies.

Based on the care needs assessment, Home Instead South Manchester & North Trafford Care Professionals can provide tailored assistance that precisely matches your parent’s situation and requirements. It’s common for family members and carers to collaborate in caregiving, allowing everyone involved to take breaks when needed.

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A young woman assists an older woman in playing a keyboard in a well-lit room with large windows. - Home Instead

How Can Home Instead South Manchester & North Trafford Assist You?

If you or a loved one is advancing in age or facing difficulties in daily tasks due to illness, injury, or disability, our home care services can provide the extra support necessary to maintain independent living. Our care visits are flexible, ranging from occasional hours to more specialised care, ensuring that your specific needs are met.

If you’d like to learn more about our home care services, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. You can call us on 0161 884 0562 or you can fill out the form below. 

We’re here to explore the options available to you.

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Person with a lanyard delivers groceries in reusable bags on a porch, smiling at someone unseen in the foreground. - Home Instead