24 hour at home care

Twenty four hour care at home

Home Instead’s managed solutions for 24 hour at home care helps you stay independent and comfortable in your own home for longer. You’ll be matched with multiple Care Professionals who will work in shifts to make sure you never go a moment without the support you need to keep enjoying a high quality of life.

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24-hour homecare options

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What is 24 hour care?

24-hour care means having a dedicated caregiver available around the clock, right in the comfort of your own home. Imagine never having to worry about daily tasks or emergencies because there’s always a friendly face right there and ready to help! From assisting with bathing, dressing, and meal prep to managing medications and providing companionship, our 24-hour care ensures that all needs are met with compassion and expertise.This constant support allows older people to stay in their familiar surroundings, enjoying their favourite routines and spaces, while family members can relax knowing their loved ones are safe and well-cared for. It’s all about making life easier and more enjoyable, every single day, without the stress of moving to a facility. Stay home, stay happy, and embrace the comfort that 24-hour care brings.

24 Hour care

How our 24 hour homecare works

  • Dedicated carer team so you’re always visited by the same people
  • Freedom to request changes whenever you need them
  • Care Professional training, personality and interests matched to yours
  • Overlapping shifts for easy handovers and so you’re never left alone

To make sure you have round the clock care and support whenever you need it, our 24 hour care involves multiple Care Professionals who will live in the home of the person they are caring for. You don’t need to worry about meeting lots of strangers – our relationship-led approach means that we’ll work tirelessly with you to find the right matches so your care team will feel more like part of your extended family, with the same set of people visiting you each time to cover your care. That means going beyond the everyday or complex care needs you may have – we make sure that we match you with carers who understand and share your interests, and whose personality will complement your own.Add our typical industry-leading training with dedication and caring enthusiasm, and you’ll find that your 24 hour homecare team with us will rapidly become a welcome part of your daily life and routine. 

Not sure if you need 24 hour care?

Finding and arranging care for yourself or a loved one can seem overwhelming, but we’re here to take those worries away by handling the stressful bits for you. We listen more than we speak, and our decades of experience in providing award-winning care at home means we’re in the perfect position to advise and support you through the process of sorting out the right live in care solution for your needs.So give us a call (or ask us to call you back) and we’ll help you by answering all your questions

24 Hour care

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24 hour care benefits

24-hour care for older people offers numerous benefits that significantly enhance their quality of life. It provides round-the-clock support for daily activities like bathing, dressing, and meal preparation, ensuring all needs are met consistently. This constant care improves safety and security by preventing accidents and quickly addressing emergencies, giving families peace of mind.

Staying at home allows elderly individuals to remain in familiar surroundings, which boosts emotional well-being and reduces stress. Like all our live in care, this is highly personalised and tailored to individual needs and preferences, offering greater attention and companionship. Regular assistance with medication and mobility improves health outcomes and reduces hospital visits. 24-hour care promotes engagement in favourite activities and routines, leading to greater happiness and fulfilment even in the event of health challenges such as dementia, mobility issues, or complex needs.

24 Hour care

Why choose 24 hour care at home?

For many people who receive round the clock care, having continuity of both the environment and the Care Professionals who live with them is hugely important. When family and friends don’t live nearby or are unable to visit regularly, 24 hour care ensures that an older loved one is not lonely or isolated and can continue living well no matter what their needs may be.

Our 24 hour live in care is highly personalised and helps somebody live on their terms with a routine designed around them providing meaning and purpose, with overlapping shift cover so there’s no gap between carers and the individual will never feel lonely, unsupported, or in any way like there is nobody around who can help.

Who is 24 hour care for?

24-hour live-in care for elderly individuals can greatly benefit those who need continuous support but wish to remain in their own homes. It’s perfect for individuals who value their independence yet require assistance with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, meal preparation, and medication management. Having a caregiver on hand 24 hours a day provides constant companionship, reducing feelings of loneliness and enhancing emotional well-being, which is ideal for the later stages of many conditions such as dementia or Parkinson’s.

This type of care is also ideal for individuals recovering from an illness or surgery, as it ensures they receive the consistent attention they need for a smooth recovery. Families benefit too, knowing their loved one is safe and well-cared for around the clock. With 24-hour live-in care, elderly individuals can stay in their familiar surroundings, maintain their routines, and enjoy a higher quality of life with personalised, compassionate support always on hand.

24 Hour care

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AlzheimerParkinsonsHomecare AssociationBritish Franchise Association
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24-hour Care FAQs
  • What is 24-hour care?
  • Who can benefit from 24-hour care?
  • What services are included in 24-hour care?
  • How is 24-hour care provided?
  • How much does 24 hour care cost?
  • Who pays for 24 hour care?