Home Care in Burton Upon Trent: A Comprehensive Guide For Families

Discover the different types of home care services available in Burton Upon Trent, and learn how to choose the best provider to meet your loved one’s needs. Includes information on funding options and tips for discussing home care with your family. Making the decision to seek home care for a loved one can be challenging, but it’s essential to ensure their safety, wellbeing, and happiness. This comprehensive guide will help you understand the different types of home care services available in Burton Upon Trent, how to choose the best provider, and the various funding options to help cover the costs.

A young woman leans over, smiling at an elderly woman seated in a wheelchair, both looking at each other happily. - Home Instead

Recognising the Need for Home Care

Before choosing home care services, it’s essential to recognise when your loved one might need assistance. Some signs that home care may be needed include:

  • Difficulty with daily tasks, such as bathing, dressing, or meal preparation.
  • Mobility issues or a recent fall.
  • Increasing forgetfulness or confusion.
  • Changes in mood, behaviour, or social interactions.
  • Unexplained weight loss or changes in appetite.
An elderly woman in a wheelchair smiles while holding hands and chatting with a younger woman sitting on a couch. - Home Instead

The Important Role of Family Members in Choosing Home Care

Family members play a crucial role in the process of finding suitable home care for their loved ones. They can provide valuable insights into their relative’s needs, preferences, and personality, helping to identify the right type of care and carer. Additionally, family members can offer emotional support and reassurance to their loved ones during the transition to home care.

A young woman smiles and hugs a senior man from behind as they sit indoors, both looking at the camera. - Home Instead

Types of Home Care Services in Burton Upon Trent

Companionship Care

Companionship care focuses on providing social interaction and emotional support for your loved one. Services can include activities like conversation, playing games, and accompanying your loved one on outings. This type of care is especially beneficial for older adults who may feel lonely or isolated.

Personal Care

Personal care services assist with activities of daily living, such as bathing, dressing, toileting, and mobility support. These services help individuals maintain their independence and dignity while ensuring their basic needs are met.

Live-in Care

For those who require round-the-clock assistance, live-in care provides a carer or small team of carers who live in the client’s home, offering continuous support and companionship. This type of care is ideal for individuals with more complex needs or those who want the security of having someone available at all times.

Complex Care

Specialised care for individuals with neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease and dementia, focuses on managing symptoms and improving quality of life. This type of care often requires additional training and expertise to effectively support clients with these specific conditions.

Palliative or End-of-Life Care

Palliative or end-of-life care is a specialised type of home care service designed to provide comfort, support, and pain management for individuals with terminal illnesses or nearing the end of their lives. The primary goal of this type of care is to improve the quality of life for both the individual receiving care and their family members, by addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

Selecting a Home Care Provider in Burton Upon Trent

When looking for home care services in Burton Upon Trent, you’ll come across various types of providers, each offering different levels of care and support. Understanding the differences between private hired carers, introduction agencies, and regulated home care providers such as Home Instead will help you make an informed decision that best suits your loved one’s needs.

Two women sitting on a couch and smiling at each other, a teddy bear is on the couch in the background. - Home Instead

Private Hired Carers

Private hired carers are individuals who offer their services independently, without being affiliated with an agency or larger organisation. Often, they may have prior experience in caregiving or personal connections with families in need of support.


Lower costs: Hiring a private carer can be less expensive than going through an agency or established provider, as there is no intermediary involved.


Lack of ongoing training: Private hired carers may lack formal training and certifications, which could impact the quality of care they provide.

Limited support: As they work independently, private carers may not have backup support or coverage for sick days or holidays, potentially causing disruptions in care.

Responsibility for employment issues: With private hired carers, you may be responsible for handling their taxes, insurance, background checks, and other employment-related matters.

A young nurse smiles and gently leans on the shoulders of an elderly woman in a wheelchair, who is also smiling. - Home Instead

Introduction Agencies

Introduction agencies connect families with self-employed carers, acting as intermediaries between the two parties. They often maintain a database of caregivers and assist with matching your loved one’s needs to a suitable carer.


A wider selection of carers: Introduction agencies typically have a larger pool of carers to choose from, increasing the chances of finding a good match.

Initial screening: These agencies often perform initial background checks and reference verification, providing some level of reassurance regarding the carer’s reliability.


Limited ongoing support: Introduction agencies may not provide ongoing training, management, or supervision of carers, which can impact care quality and consistency.

Employment responsibilities: As carers are self-employed, you may still be responsible for handling taxes, insurance, and other employment-related matters.

Introductory agencies are unregulated, therefore are not held to the same standards or expectations as regulated providers when delivering care.

Elderly man in a white shirt smiling warmly while shaking hands with another person outdoors. - Home Instead

Regulated Home Care Providers

Regulated providers, such as Home Instead, are home care organisations that directly employ and manage their Care Professionals and who are regulated by the Care Quality Commission.

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and social care services in England. Choosing a CQC-regulated provider offers significant benefits, as these providers are required to meet stringent quality and safety standards. This ensures that your loved one receives the best possible care, with regular inspections and monitoring to maintain the highest levels of service. It’s a good idea to read the CQC’s inspection report for home care providers prior to arranging care. You may view our latest report here.


  • By opting for a CQC-regulated provider, you can have peace of mind knowing that the care provided adheres to the highest industry standards.
  • Professional training and support: Regulated providers ensure their carers receive comprehensive training and ongoing support, resulting in a higher quality of care for your loved one.
  • Backup coverage: Providers will likely have a team of carers, ensuring ample coverage in case a carer is unwell or on holiday, providing continuity of care for your loved one.


  • Higher costs: Regulated providers may have higher fees than private carers or introduction agencies, as they invest in training, support, PPE, and regulatory compliance.
  • Less direct control: While regulated providers offer personalised care, you may have less direct control over the carer selection process compared to hiring a private carer. Having said this, at Home Instead, we carefully match each client with a Care Professional based on many factors including shared hobbies and interests and the skills of the Care Professional, and the individual needs of each client.

By understanding the differences between these types of home care providers, you can make a more informed decision when choosing the best option for your loved one’s care needs in Burton Upon Trent. Consider the pros and cons of each type of provider, and think about which aspects are most important for your family’s situation.

Length of Care Visits: Short vs. Long Visits

The length of care visits depends on the provider and the individual’s needs. Some providers offer shorter visits, such as 15 or 30 minutes, while others, like Home Instead, provide longer visits of at least one hour. Both approaches have their benefits, and it’s essential to consider the needs of your loved one when choosing a provider.

Shorter, 15-30 Minute Visits

Shorter visits tend to be task-oriented, focusing on specific tasks like putting out bins or changing bedding. This type of care may be suitable for individuals who require assistance with a few daily tasks and can manage the rest independently. Short visits can be more affordable and appropriate for those with minimal care requirements. Consequently, council-funded care is often delivered through shorter, task-oriented visits.

Young woman smiling at an elderly woman with love and care, sitting together in a bright room. - Home Instead

Longer, 1-Hour Visits

Longer visits, such as those provided by Home Instead, focus more on companionship and building genuine connections. Care Professionals engage in conversation, participate in activities, and provide emotional support, in addition to assisting with daily tasks. Longer visits can help reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation among older adults living alone. Longer visits allow carers to develop a deeper understanding of the individual’s needs, preferences, and personality, enabling more personalised and holistic care.

“One-hour visits allow the carers to spend quality time with dad, engaging in meaningful conversations and activities without him feeling rushed. It truly feels like he’s receiving the genuine companionship and support he deserves – making a significant difference in his overall happiness.” – John, Son of Home Instead client.

Elderly woman with short white hair smiling and holding hands with another person inside a cozy room with plants. - Home Instead

Questions to Ask a Home Care Provider

To make an informed decision when choosing a home care provider in Burton Upon Trent, consider asking the following questions:

  1. Are you regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC)?
  2. What types of care services do you offer?
  3. How do you match carers with clients?
  4. Can you provide references from current or previous clients?
  5. How do you handle emergencies or situations where a carers is unavailable?
  6. What are your fees, and what is included in those fees?
  7. How do you handle complaints or concerns about the care provided?
Person typing on a laptop with a blank screen on a wooden desk, surrounded by a notebook, coffee cup, and office supplies. - Home Instead

Options for Paying for Home Care in Burton Upon Trent

Understanding the options for paying for home care in Burton Upon Trent is essential when planning care for a loved one. This section will cover the average costs of home care, live-in care, funding options, and financial assistance available to you from your local council.

Costs of Home Care and Live-in Care in Burton Upon Trent

The costs of home care services vary depending on the provider and the area you live in. In Burton Upon Trent, the hourly cost of care at home typically ranges between £22 to £32. Keep in mind that fees may increase during weekends and bank holidays.

Live-in care fees start at around £900 to £1,300 per week but can be as much as £1,900 per week. The cost of 24-hour care at home depends on your needs, the services you require, and the provider you choose.

Elderly man in a light blue shirt reading a document while pointing at it. - Home Instead

Funding Options for Home Care in Burton Upon Trent

There are several funding options available for those who require home care in Burton Upon Trent:

  1. Local Council Support: If you are eligible for support from your local council, they may contribute to the cost of your home care service after conducting a needs assessment and a financial assessment, or means test. The means test determines your contribution based on your income and savings.
  2. NHS Continuing Healthcare (NHS CHC): If you have complex health issues that require significant care, you may be eligible for full funding of your care and support from the NHS Continuing Healthcare program.
  3. Direct Payments: If you qualify for financial support from the local council, you can choose to receive direct payments to arrange home care yourself.

Self-funded: where you pay the full cost of care directly.

A person places a coin into a pink piggy bank on a table cluttered with coins, papers, and a laptop in the background. - Home Instead

Tips for Discussing Home Care with a Loved One

Discussing home care with a loved one can be a sensitive topic, but it’s essential to have an open and honest conversation about their needs and preferences. Here are some tips to help make the conversation go smoothly:

  1. Choose the right time and place: Find a quiet, comfortable environment where you can have a private conversation without distractions or interruptions.
  2. Be empathetic: Put yourself in your loved one’s shoes and acknowledge their feelings and concerns. Let them know you understand their desire for independence and that home care is intended to support and enhance their quality of life.
  3. Focus on their needs: Keep the conversation centred on your loved one’s needs and how home care can help address those needs while maintaining their independence.
  4. Involve them in the decision-making process: Make sure your loved one feels included and heard throughout the entire process. Encourage them to ask questions, voice their preferences, and help choose the care provider.
  5. Share personal stories: If you have friends or family members who have had positive experiences with home care, share their stories to help alleviate any fears or misconceptions your loved one may have.
  6. Be patient: Remember that the decision to accept home care is a significant life change for your loved one. They may need time to process the information and come to terms with the idea. Be patient and supportive, and let them know you are there to help.

By following these tips and being sensitive to your loved one’s feelings, you can have a productive conversation about home care options in Burton Upon Trent and help them make the best decision for their wellbeing.

Final Thoughts and Next Steps

Choosing the right home care provider for your loved one in Burton Upon Trent is a crucial decision that can greatly impact their quality of life. Take the time to consider their specific needs and preferences, as well as the various types of care providers and funding options available. Remember, the right home care service should not only cater to your loved one’s physical needs but also provide emotional support and companionship.

If you are interested in learning more about how Home Instead Burton Upon Trent can help meet your loved one’s needs, our dedicated team is here to answer your questions and provide guidance. Contact us today to discuss your home care requirements and start your journey towards personalised, compassionate care. Visit our website or call us at 01283 539917 to speak with our friendly team.

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Two smiling women, one older with gray hair and one younger with blonde hair, posing closely together outside. - Home Instead