Companionship for a Fulfilling Life

As we age, our social circles can shrink, and we may find ourselves longing for companionship. This is where, for some, pets can step in to fill the void.

Companionship for a Fulfilling Life

As we age, our social circles can shrink, and we may find ourselves longing for companionship. This is where, for some, pets can step in to fill the void, providing unwavering love and a sense of purpose. Home Instead understands the importance of this connection and strives to ensure that seniors can enjoy the companionship of their pets throughout their golden years. By offering services that facilitate daily walks, feeding, playtime, and engaging interactions, Home Instead often helps seniors to maintain an active and fulfilling life in the company of their beloved pets.

The healing power of touch is universally acknowledged, but as we age, chances for regular physical contact might dwindle. Pets, in these circumstances, become invaluable sources of comfort, offering a gentle touch or a happy wagging tail. Home Instead underscores the importance of physical contact for seniors, helping them experience this soothing bond by facilitating grooming sessions, stroking sessions, and snuggles with their beloved pets.

Relationships between pets and their owners is magical and deeply emotional. Dogs are known to exhibit enduring loyalty and affection for their humans. Here at Home Instead we recognize this beautiful bond and offers assistance that supports seniors in caring for their pets – from transportation to veterinary appointments to help with feeding and fostering a pet-friendly environment at home.

Supporting the Pet-Owner Relationship with Home Instead: Home Instead realizes that as we age, managing our pets might require additional assistance. They offer a suite of services designed to support seniors in maintaining a loving relationship with their furry friends. Whether it’s taking seniors and their pets for walks, ensuring they make it to veterinary appointments, or making home adjustments for pet safety, Home Instead is committed to preserving the unbroken bond between pets and their owners.

A collage of nine pet photos with names: Luna, Ralph, Bella, Toffee, Boomer, Spud, Indie, Nala, and Murphy. - Home Instead