Top Tips for Planning Your Summer Schedule

To help you make the most of your summer, we've compiled a list of five top tips to help you make the most of your day out.

Top Tips for Planning Your Summer Schedule

Summer is the season for having fun, exploration, and embracing the great outdoors. Across Wimbledon and Kingston, we are so lucky that there are endless possibilities for getting out and about right on our doorsteps, so whether you’re interested in exploring nature, attending cultural events, or simply relaxing in the sun, there’s something for everyone.

To help you make the most of your summer, we’ve compiled a list of five top tips to help you make the most of your day out:

  1. Plan ahead.

This will help you avoid disappointment and ensure that everything is in order for a seamless experience. Check event availability and make any necessary reservations well in advance. For example, if you’ve ever tried to attend the tennis at Wimbledon, you’ll have realized the need to book your tickets months in advance.

You should also research the weather forecast and pack accordingly. British summers can be unpredictable, so it’s important to be prepared for both hot and rainy days.

  1. Choose activities that suit your preferences.

There are many different activities to choose from in Wimbledon, Kingston and the surrounding areas, so take some time to research what’s on as there is always something new to discover. If you’re in need of a dose of the great outdoors, you could explore Wimbledon Common, discover hidden gardens in Richmond Park, or ramble along Kingston’s riverside. If you’re more interested in cultural activities, you could check the summer programs of Wimbledon Theatre, the Rose Theatre in Kingston, or the textiles crafts exhibited at Merton Abbey Mills.

There are also plenty of opportunities for relaxation in Wimbledon and Kingston. We would always recommend taking a boat ride on the River Thames, relax in one of the many parks, or simply enjoy a picnic in the sun.

  1. Be weather-ready.

As mentioned above, British summers can be unpredictable. So, it’s important to be prepared for any weather conditions. Pack sunscreen, hats, and lightweight clothing to protect yourself from the sun’s rays. Additionally, carry a light jacket or umbrella for any unexpected changes in weather.

  1. Stay hydrated and energised.

Hydration is crucial during the hot summer months. Carry a water bottle with you to stay hydrated wherever you go. Staying properly hydrated helps maintain your energy levels and overall well-being. It’s also important to consider packing healthy snacks or portable meals to keep yourself nourished and energised during your adventures.

  1. Take breaks and enjoy the moment.

While it’s exciting to engage in summer activities, it’s important to listen to your body and take breaks when needed. Allow yourself moments of rest and relaxation to prevent exhaustion and burnout. Taking breaks not only ensures your physical wellbeing, but also allows you to fully appreciate and savour the present moment.

Summer is a time to embrace joy, so make sure to pause and enjoy the experiences as they unfold. Take in the beauty of your surroundings, connect with loved ones, and create lasting memories.

Here are some additional tips for planning your summer activities:

  • Take advantage of free events. There are many free events happening in Wimbledon and Kingston throughout the summer. Check out the websites of local businesses and organisations to find out what’s happening local to you. This can also be a great way of discovering and supporting local businesses.
  • Explore the local shops and restaurants. Wimbledon and Kingston has a vibrant shopping and dining scene. Be sure to explore the local shops and restaurants to find your new favourites.
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