Supporting World Parkinson’s Day at Home Instead Wembley

Home Instead Wembley came together on World Parkinson's Day “to make it blue”, highlighting specialist Parkinson's care and our partnership with Parkinson's UK.

On World Parkinson’s Day: Compassionate Care at the Heart of Home Instead Wembley

This Thursday, 11th April 2024, marked an important date in our calendars at Home Instead Wembley – World Parkinson’s Day. This global event is dedicated to raising awareness, understanding and funds for Parkinson’s research and support. It’s a day close to our hearts as it mirrors our commitment to offer specialised support to adults living with this condition.

Make it blue

Parkinson’s UK and the Parkinson’s community united to “Make It Blue”, lighting up notable buildings across Britain, from Orkney’s St Magnus Cathedral to the Spinnaker Tower in Portsmouth. At Home Instead, Wembley, we enjoyed the spirit of the day, wearing blue outfits from head to toe to show our solidarity. There was much fun to be had, but beneath the sea of blue was a deep sense of purpose.

Specialist Parkinson’s training

Our participation in World Parkinson’s Day reflects our daily commitment to providing exceptional and empathetic support to those affected by Parkinson’s. We understand the impact of such a diagnosis extends beyond the individual; it touches the lives of family and friends too. 

That’s why our Care Professionals, equipped with expert training which was designed in partnership with Parkinson’s UK, are skilled to assist with specialist care at home for the condition. 

The specialist Parkinson’s training our Care Professionals receive is designed by the UK Parkinson’s Excellence Network. This training ensures a comprehensive understanding of both the physical and emotional challenges associated with Parkinson’s. The knowledge and techniques learned ensure that our services are not generic but are tailored thoughtfully to meet the unique needs of each individual we support.

Specialist Parkinson Training

Specialist tailored care at home

World Parkinson’s Day for us, also allowed us to shine a spotlight on the thoughtful, person-centred home care our compassionate Wembley team delivers for our clients every day.

Bringing back a sense of normality and promoting independence for older adults with Parkinson’s is at the core of what we do. It’s not solely about managing symptoms; it’s about nurturing well-being and maintaining the essence of home, with relationship-led home care visits and live-in care

A diagnosis of Parkinson’s can be daunting, at Home Instead Wembley we walk side by side with our clients and their families through this journey. Recognising that Parkinson’s is the fastest growing neurological condition in the world, we remain committed to providing top-tier specialist care for those living with Parkinson’s in our local community. On World Parkinson’s Day and beyond, our aim is to ensure that individuals living with Parkinson’s not only receive the fundamental support they need but are empowered to live their best life at home.

Contact us

Whether it’s a day of nationwide awareness or an ordinary Thursday, our Care Professionals are here, delivering care, support, and understanding with a touch of blue.

For more information on how we support older adults with Parkinson’s, and to have a conversation about how our home care visits or live-in care from Home Instead Wembley can help, get in touch with our friendly and professional team on 0208 022 4590.

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Parkinsons Day