Visiting parents in Tyne Valley over Christmas? 5 signs they may need help at home

Christmas in Tyne Valley is more than just festive lights and cosy evenings by the fire. It’s a time for family, laughter, and creating memories. But, if you’re heading home to visit your parents this holiday season, it’s also a chance to check in on how they’re really doing. Sometimes, amidst the mince pies and merry carols, you might notice subtle signs that your parents could use a bit of extra help around the house. 

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A person handing a small wrapped gift with a red ribbon and white polka dots to another person with wrinkled hands. - Home Instead

Here are five key things to look out for:

Changes in Home Cleanliness and Organisation

First things first, take a look around the house. Has it become a bit cluttered or less tidy than usual? Perhaps the laundry’s piling up, or the fridge isn’t as well-stocked as it used to be. These could be signs that daily chores are becoming a bit too much for them.

Noticeable Weight Loss or Lack of Appetite

Christmas is usually a time for hearty meals and indulging a bit more than usual. But if you notice that your parents aren’t eating as much, or if there’s a noticeable change in their weight, it might be a sign that cooking or eating isn’t as easy for them as it once was.

Forgetfulness Beyond the Ordinary

We all forget things now and then, but if your parents are increasingly forgetful – like missing appointments or struggling to remember the names of close friends or family – it could be an early sign of memory loss.

A Decline in Personal Hygiene

This one can be a bit tricky to spot but look for changes in their grooming habits and personal care. Are their clothes clean, and are they taking care of themselves as they usually do? Sometimes, a decline in personal hygiene can indicate that these tasks are becoming more challenging.

Mobility Issues

Keep an eye on how your parents move around the house. Are they struggling with stairs, or do they seem unsteady on their feet? Mobility issues can make everyday activities more difficult and increase the risk of falls.

It’s important to approach the situation with care and understanding. Here’s how you can help:

Starting the Conversation

Talking about needing help at home can be sensitive. Choose a calm and comfortable time to bring up your observations. It’s important to express your concerns without making them feel like they’re losing their independence. Use phrases like, “I’ve noticed…” rather than “You can’t…” to keep the conversation open and non-accusatory.

Exploring Options Together

Once the conversation is open, discuss the possible solutions. This could range from getting a weekly cleaner, considering a meal delivery service, or even exploring in-home care options. Make sure to involve them in every decision and listen to their preferences and concerns.

Making the Home Safer

Simple changes in the home can make a big difference. This could include installing grab bars in the bathroom, ensuring the home is well-lit, or removing trip hazards like loose rugs. These small modifications can help prevent accidents and make their daily life easier.

Regular Check-Ins

If you’re living far away, regular check-ins via phone or video calls can help you monitor their well-being. You could also consider enlisting the help of neighbours, friends, or local community groups to check in on them occasionally.

Professional Help

Sometimes, professional help may be the best course of action. Services like Home Instead offer personalised care at home, ranging from companionship and housekeeping to more specialised care. This doesn’t just provide practical support; it can also offer valuable social interaction for your parents.

Remember, the goal is to support your parents to live independently and safely in their own home for as long as possible. This Christmas, while you’re enjoying the festive spirit with your family, take the opportunity to ensure that your parents are living comfortably and safely. It’s about giving them the gift of care, something that truly lasts beyond the holiday season. Your actions can make a meaningful difference in their well-being, allowing you to create cherished holiday memories together.  Don’t wait—empower yourself to make this Christmas a truly special and worry-free experience for your loved ones. Explore the compassionate companionship care services offered by Home Instead Tyne Valley, ensuring your parents receive the personalised attention and assistance they need. Give the gift of peace of mind this Christmas. Contact us today!

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Young woman smiling and serving food to an elderly man in a wheelchair at a festive, warmly lit home setting. - Home Instead