You Can Care

What is You Can Care week?
#YouCanCare is the official UK awareness week and Home Instead’s anchor recruitment campaign

#YouCanCare is the official UK awareness week and Home Instead’s anchor recruitment campaign that encourages friendly and caring individuals to apply to become a Care Professional. You only have to search “#YouCanCare” on social media and you will see thousands of posts relating to the campaign since it began in 2018.

This year we wanted to give insight into the day in the life of a Home Instead Care Professional so our amazing Kelly went out in the community with our you can care bears and got some great snaps.

They also enjoyed some rides down at Adventure Island with the children in the February half term!

A HUGE thank you to Kelly for supporting this year’s campaign

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A person holding two teddy bears while standing inside a large glass-enclosed structure with a view of buildings outside. - Home Instead

At Home Instead Southend we pride ourselves in the relationship-led care we deliver and it’s stories that our Care Professionals share, like Kelly’s that truly inspire others to take up a caring career.

Kelly – “I’m not just a carer”.

“After our youngest child started school, I knew I wanted a change in career, I’d never been involved in caring for others professionally before but having a caring nature, it was clear during the interview that Home Instead and I would be a good match. I told them the times I’d like to work, and they have always been able to fit clients within those times. The passion that came across from the company as a whole is matched by every employee that I’ve met. My clients are absolutely beautiful, each one. They and their families welcome you into their homes like an old friend.

I love my job and I am happy to support my clients with the care they need, morning visits usually consist of some personal care, a morning wash, picking out the outfit for the day and helping with those tricky buttons. Followed by their choice of breakfast and there is always time for conversation or a puzzle, reminiscing through photo albums, sharing stories and life adventures.

I also support my clients to access the community, from popping out for the weekly shop to visiting garden centres, libraries, attending their local church and centres like the Havens Hub.

Helping to put a smile on client’s faces is the biggest reward.

One client in particular I have been visiting for two years now. He has had varying health issues and some hospital stays. We try to take a drive out at least once a week to get him out of the house. I also help to prepare meals and make sure he has plenty to drink before I leave and of course the odd chocolate. During an evening visit, he may need help with a wash and change into his night wear. I help administer his medication, have light household duties, all the while enjoying his company and his quick wit.

I couldn’t imagine changing my career again, with the support of the Home Instead I’ve also completed my level 3 diploma in Health and Social Care.”

A woman smiles while holding a certificate, standing in front of a banner that says "Live well your way. - Home Instead