Our Second Companionship Café was a Great Success

We recently hosted our second community Companionship Café on the 29 November in partnership with Morrisons in Kendal.

We hosted our second Companionship Cafe on the 29 November with Morrisons in Kendal. It was wonderful to see everyone. Some people had returned as they enjoyed the first one so much! There was allot of tea and coffee drunk, scones and mince pies eaten and allot of chat and laughter.

The Mayor of Kendal also came to show his support and drew the raffle prizes. People won 3 wreaths that were made by our Care Professionals the day before! Our Community Angels Shaun, Di, Jill and Andrea were also there serving the drinks and chatted about support and activity groups that are in our area. Thank you so much to our friend Kirsty at Morrisons. We love doing events with her and it’s amazing what we can achieve together. The next one is our ‘Be a Santa to a Senior initiative’ where we will be giving gifts to people in our community that are lonely and isolated.

Keep an eye out for the next Companionship Cafe date in the New Year.
