Our Macmillan Coffee Morning

A lovely morning had by all who came to our Macmillan Coffee Morning

Our Macmillan Coffee Morning

It was lovely to see some of our amazing clients and members of the local community at our Macmillan Coffee Morning. One of our clients, Ken, who has been with us for the last 12 years, sent us an email afterwards to say “So enjoyed the morning with such kind and amazing people. It is always such a pleasure to be in the company of you all. Please give my big thanks to Bev and so enjoyed our chat. Also, to Sara for organising it all, it was so lovely. You are all such beautiful people, and I am so lucky. Ken xxx” Receiving messages like these from the clients who we support on a daily basis means so much to all of us, and is why we all love what we do here at Home Instead.

People sitting at a conference room table, talking and having snacks. A few others are in the background near a booth. - Home Instead