Age UK Cheshire East Scams Awareness and Aftercare Services

We have been lucky enough to have a session with Age UK Cheshire East Scams Awareness and Aftercare Services

Last week we were lucky enough to have a session with Age UK Cheshire East Scams Awareness and Aftercare Services. Emma came in to chat to our Care Professionals about being scam aware when going into our clients’ homes. We find this is such an important topic and want our Care Professionals to feel confident about knowing what to look out for when supporting our clients. Everyone found the session extremely informative, and have lots of information to take forward into their roles. Thank you again to Age UK Cheshire East for delivering this fantastic session.

To book any of Age UK Cheshire East services, please give them a call on 01625 612958 or email them. Click here to subscribe to their scams awareness update bulletin. They are happy to hear from older people directly or take referrals from agencies.