Home Instead Sheffield and Barnsley At Conference 2024

Alison Taylor, General Manager of Home Instead Sheffield and Barnsley, was asked to speak at the national 2024 Conference about our Healthcare at Home packages.

As athought leader on bringing clinical care into the home, Alison Taylor, General Manager of Home Instead Sheffield and Barnsley, was invited to speak at the company’s National Office Conference 2024in February. 

She discussedthe local franchise’s expertise on Health Care at Home and presented the success of our multiple packages to Home Instead officesfrom all over the nation.

Healthcare At Home

Traditionally offering domestic companionship and personal care calls, we have recently expanded our services into specialist healthcare.We are changing the perceptions of care at home; clinical procedures such as ventilation, catheter care and diabetes monitoring can now be carried out in the comfort of a client’s home. 

A small core team of Care Professionals are specially trained in a client’s bespoke healthcare needs. With client-centred care, the entire package is tailored to the requirements of the individual, meaning any changes in a client’s condition are noticed quickly and dealt with effectively.

“We don’t only become experts around a condition, but around a person,” Alison explained. “Changes are noticed as soon as they appear, and clients and their families are directed towards further advice.”

“We not only care for the client but can liaise with health care professionals on behalf of the family,” she added, “This can support the responsibilities of families and give them a break.”

Home Instead also offers close monitoring of a client’s health and vital signs so conditions can be caught early, and support can be implemented through early intervention pathways.

By avoiding unnecessary hospitalisations and promoting effective support post discharge, our packages alleviate pressure on the NHS and reduce hospital bed occupations.

We are successfully operating two Healthcare At Home packages in North Sheffield,” said Alison. “I was honoured to be asked to speak to the rest of the national team and showcase what we have been implementing. I also offered a best practice on how franchises can begin their own Health Care at Home packages and shared some of the obstacles we had to overcome.

The client is priority, and the bespoke service is tailored around them, so they can remain at home and independent for as long as they wish.”

Are you interested in learning more about Healthcare At Home?

Click here to read more about how our services can help you live well, your way.