A diagnosis of dementia doesn’t necessarily mean that someone will need to move into a residential care home. We provide exceptional care to help persons with dementia live a happy, safe, and protected life in the comfort of their own homes.
Change can be challenging for those with dementia. If a person is no longer safe when left alone, arranging care for people in their own homes may be the best alternative.
Dementia care at home is becoming increasingly popular, and properly trained Care Professionals can help with Alzheimer’s and other variations of the disease.
The impact of dementia doesn’t just affect the elderly person with the condition. It will also impact the lives of their families. This is particularly true if you have become a family carer.
A person with dementia can feel apprehensive about being moved into a nursing home, as their surroundings will be unfamiliar. That is why a stay-at home approach to dementia care is becoming popular. They can continue their daily activities while still receiving complex care and medical care to ease the effects of any symptoms they may be experiencing.
We can improve physical activity as well. Having an escort allows you to get out of the house more often or feel more confident moving around inside your home.
Your live-in Care Professional will have a spare room in your home and will be there to support you each day, as much or as little as you like and according to what matters to you most. You will determine care hours.
A live-in Care Professional can make it possible for care recipients in need of life care to remain safe, clean, and comfortable in their homes.
Care in the home by competent, professional live-in carers provides better mental health outcomes than other care options. It has also been found to provide huge benefits to physical health and a much better quality of life.
Our team of healthcare professionals have expertise in providing quality of life to people with dementia to achieve an independent life at home.
Our care workers have all undergone comprehensive training and evaluation to ensure they deliver specialist care for people living with every stage of dementia.
A dementia carer will have had essential background checks, such as DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service).
Dementia is a term for various symptoms and illnesses that damage the brain and memory over time.
Abnormal alterations to the brain create the conditions included under the umbrella term “dementia.” The brain is made of billions of neurons (nerve cells) that exchange chemical impulses with one another. When a person develops the disease, these neurons are destroyed, which means that signals are not transmitted efficiently, affecting all bodily processes.
These physical symptoms are usually minor at first, but, they can grow severe enough to interfere with everyday life. Two key factors: the afflicted areas of the brain and illness-causing the disease mostly determine the symptoms that someone with dementia feels.
Damage to the arteries that carry blood to the brain causes this sort of dementia. Blood artery abnormalities can lead to strokes or have other effects on the brain, such as harming the white matter fibres.
the most prevalent symptoms include:
These are usually more noticeable than memory loss.
The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease.
Not all causes of Alzheimer’s disease are known, but doctors know that some cases are linked to abnormalities in three genes. These abnormalities can be passed on from parent to child, and are linked to a small number of cases. While numerous genes are likely implicated in Alzheimer’s disease, apolipoprotein E4 is one key gene that raises risk (APOE).
Plaques and tangles have been found in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s. Plaques are tau protein-based fibrous tangles, whereas tangles are beta-amyloid protein clusters. These aggregates are considered to harm healthy neurons and the fibres that link them.
This type of dementia affects about 50% to 80% of people with Parkinson’s disease, a nervous system disorder. Symptoms usually appear roughly ten years after a person is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.
This kind is closely related to Dementia with Lewy Bodies. They both have similar symptoms, and persons with both have Lewy bodies in their brains.
The destruction of nerve cells and their connections in the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain characterises this category of illnesses. These parts of the brain are linked to personality, conduct, and language. Common symptoms all affect behaviour, personality, thinking, judgement, language, and mobility.
An individual with FTD may have:
The later stages of dementia are commonly called ‘advanced’ or ‘severe’ dementia, but defining ‘advanced dementia’ is difficult.
Huntington’s Disease is a genetic brain condition that is handed down through family members. While your loved one may have the Huntington’s disease gene at birth, symptoms usually do not appear until they are between the ages of 30 and 50.
People with Huntington’s disease experience some of the same symptoms as people with other types of dementia, such as difficulties with:
Lewy bodies are aberrant balloon-like protein aggregates discovered in the brains of persons suffering from Lewy body dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, or Parkinson’s disease. One of the most frequent kinds of progressive dementia is Alzheimer’s disease.
Acting out one’s dreams while sleeping, seeing things that aren’t there (visual hallucinations), and issues with focus and attention are all common indicators and symptoms. Uncoordinated or sluggish movement, tremors, and stiffness are other symptoms (parkinsonism).
This is a rare disorder in which prions induce normal proteins in the brain to fold into unusual shapes. The injury causes dementia symptoms to appear unexpectedly and rapidly worsen.
You or your loved one might have:
Mixed Dementia is a mix of two types of dementia. Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia is the most common pairing.
Research shows that many people with dementia aged 80 and up had a mix of causes, such as Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, and Lewy body dementia. Mixed dementia is the subject of continuing research to see how it impacts symptoms and treatments.
A buildup of fluid in the brain causes this sort of dementia. Symptoms include difficulty walking, thinking, and focusing, and changes in attitude and conduct.
Draining excess fluid from the brain into the abdomen using a long, thin tube known as a shunt can alleviate some symptoms.
A significant thiamine deficiency (vitamin B-1) in the body causes this condition. It most usually occurs in those who have been strong drinkers for a long time.
Memory loss is the most common dementia symptom in this illness. Typically, a person’s problem-solving and cognitive abilities are unaffected.
Home Instead Ruislip & Harrow offers comprehensive dementia home care services to Eastcote, Ruislip, Ickenham, Uxbridge, Harrow, Rayners Lane, Harefield, Northolt and surrounding areas. Our dedicated team of Dementia care professionals are equipped with specialised training and essential skills and knowledge to navigate the challenges associated with dementia care.
If you are or a loved one would like more information around the different services we offer at Home Instead Ruislip & Harrow Please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
For many years, Stuart has been a Dementia Friend and is very active within our community.
Not only that, but Stuart also recognises that a growing number of our clients have been diagnosed with Dementia and for that reason, he ensures that all our Care Professional take the award-winning City & Guilds accredited Dementia training that Home Instead provides.
Stuart is a strong believer in that the best-trained Care Professional will provide the best care for our client’s.
No matter where you are in Harrow or Ruislip, we will personally visit your home to assess your needs to ensure your care at home plan is tailored to you. This has had an evident effect on improving the quality of life and health outcomes for individuals living with dementia. We realise that over time your needs may change however our home care can support any changes.
Whatever your home care needs are, learn more below or get in touch with our friendly team.
Contact us on 01895 624 230 or email [email protected]