Looking For Care In And Around Peterborough

Home care options in and around Peterborough, when is best and how to start the tricky conversation surrounding home care support for your loved ones?

Looking For Care In And Around Peterborough

At some point in our lives, we all need to be having the ‘care discussion’, even when are well. To truly understand at what stage would be good for us to have that extra support in and around the home.

It can be a difficult conversation to have, we know, we truly understand. It can be made even trickier if the elderly person you believe is needing that extra support in their home, is not open to conversation. A lot of conflict can come from concerns of losing their independence, feeling of being a ‘burden’ or the thought of being made to leave their home. 

So, where do you start? How do you begin?

Early conversations and Advance Care planning

Have the conversation as early as possible, whilst your loved ones are still in good health, if this is at all a possibility. There is even NICE.org guidance for advance care planning, this provides the best opportunity to ensure everyone’s needs and concerns are catered for. Advance care planning is the is the process of enabling individuals to make plans about their own future health/medical/personal care. 

Advance care planning is probably the best way to ensure that the individual requiring home care services later in life, have every wish met. This could even be down to the home care company of their choice being contacted, even when the loved one has limited mental capacity due to dementia or some other means, you know it is their choice of company and home care services in or around Peterborough, that will be provided.

This is useful not only for the loved one who’s advance care plan it is, but this can also put the friend or families mind at rest who are arranging the home care services for them, because they know that they are using their plan, their wishes, even if they are unable to communicate with them now. 

If the above is not possible?

Ensuring that any home care conversations are had face-to-face.

Communication is mainly achieved through body language and facial expressions, what we say is a tiny drop in the pond, you can truly pick up on each other’s feelings and concerns better when you can take the time to sit in front of the person to have the discussion, rather than over the phone. 

Be patient, be sensitive. Sounds simple right? We know this can be a struggle, especially when the person you are talking to is stressed by a conversation and in turn, you become stressed. Empathy is wonderful. Compassion. Ask yourself, what if this was the other way around? What if I was in their shoes? Taking a moment to understand how this conversation may be making them feel, simply by your language, body language etc. Take a breath or break if needed from the conversation, come back to it later in the day or another day entirely.

Concentrating on the positives of home care services

Putting their concerns to rest such as the reasons why you are suggesting the extra support at home. Whether it is so they can stay at home for a long as possible, to ensure they stay as independent as possible at home. If your loved one is no longer able to drive, the simply mentioning that the right home care company can take them out and about for shopping, afternoon teas, whatever they like. They are chief in charge of what support is provided. 

Have a think, what are the benefits for all in having home care support for your loved one? It could be a simple as you are stepping back from the caring role to enable you both to have a better relationship, so Mum and Dad can remain just that and not adding caring into the mix.

Involve the home care support provider into the conversation

Once initial conversations have been had, perhaps your loved ones need some questions answered by the home care company themselves. You may have already decided on a home care support company to use in or around Peterborough, if not, we are here to help. 

One of the best ways to see what home care is available in your area, is to use the homecare.co.uk website. This is because they are the UK’s number one Home Care website for reviews! They have over 10,000 home care providers with a whopping 18,000 reviews! They have independent rewards, such as the ones we’ve been awarded by them, Home Care Group Award – their annual home care group awards recognises groups/owners with the most top-rated home care provider members and the Home Care Awards – their annual Home Care Awards recognises 20 of the top-rated Home Care Providers in each region of the UK based on reviews from residents / clients and their family / friends. They have a very high standard of criteria to meet, so for us to be awarded with either award made us feel hugely proud of our care professionals and office team.

We can help you with a free consultation to answer any questions that you may have, you can see on their website just what our clients and their families say about us, what we offer and if you like the sound of Home Instead then we would love to hear from you.