Warming Hearts with Festive Cheer

We were thrilled when Rowan Davis-Butler – Teacher at Sully Primary School contacted us again this year, to supply more lovely handmade Christmas cards for our clients.

We were thrilled when Rowan Davis-Butler – Teacher at Sully Primary School contacted us again this year, to supply more lovely handmade Christmas cards for our clients.

Her students from their Cymuned Llais Group love to help all members of their local community.

This year they provided an array of beautifully designed cards, each with special notes inside for the recipients.

We know this will bring so much happiness to our clients and it always brightens up their day to receive such lovely festive surprises.

One client said “I just wanted to say thank you for your lovely Christmas card. It meant a lot to me. Your card has pride of place on my mantel shelf.”

Another client said “Thank you so much for the lovely Christmas card and you must be looking forward to Christmas with your family. Wishing you and your family a lovely Christmas.”

Top left: Christmas-themed artwork. Top right: Colorful holiday cards. Bottom: Group of children holding papers, smiling. - Home Instead