The Merrier Harrier saves The Day!

Due to circumstances beyond our control, we lost our first venue to host a social coffee morning in Llandough.

Due to circumstances beyond our control, we lost our first venue to host a social coffee morning in Llandough.

CSO Dawn Andrews immediately suggested we ask The Merrier Harrier Pub if they could help us.

Enya Hollis – Pub Manager – jumped at the chance to help us out.

They will give over a large space in the pub each month for us to facilitate a nice social coffee morning, along with some fun activities such as quizzes.

Enya has been in post since May this year and is determined to make The Merrie Harrier the heart of the local Llandough community.

She is planning many family friendly events between now and Christmas and is open to other community groups coming in to use the space.

If you want to know more about The Merrie Harrier.

(Left to right – Ann, Bar Staff and Enya, Pub Manager)

Two women standing in a pub; one holds flowers. Background includes a bar with bottles and glasses on shelves. - Home Instead