Curling Time at Penarth Memory Cafe

In January’s Memory Café in Penarth, we had Bethan Morgan from the Sherman Theatre in Cardiff, to tell us about their Sherman 5 Project.

In January’s Memory Café in Penarth, we had Bethan Morgan from the Sherman Theatrein Cardiff, to tell us about their Sherman 5 Project which supports people accessing the theatre when they have mobility, sensory, or cognitive impairments.

We also had a taster session from Platfform Effrogiving us the chance to have a go at Curling.

Whether people were stood up or sat down, everyone could do it and some managed to hit the target in the centre.

Musical Bingo gave us the chance to have a sing and a jig around to some 60s music.

When we recognised the song, we crossed it off our Bingo card and then had a guess at the person or band who was singing it – there was a clear expert in our group who knew most of the artists on the playlist.

To keep up our energy levels our volunteer Jill made sure everyone had hot drinks and biscuits to hand and one of group donated a tub of Roses chocolates as a treat!

We look forward to seeing them all again in February.

Group of elderly people participating in various indoor activities in a community center. - Home Instead