Bee Aware!

When Carers went off for some support today, with Platfform Effro in Sully, we had a whole session devoted to saving bees.

When Carers went off for some support today, with Platfform Effro in Sully, we had a whole session devoted to saving bees. We started off with chats and refreshments followed by making Bee Bombs.

The Bombs can be taken away, thrown into hedgerows whilst out on their walks, so more flowers can grow to support our bees and butterflies. Although messy, it was great fun to do and we all manged to produce a bag full of Bombs.

This was followed by some mini pancakes topped with honey so we could start to appreciate what bees do for us and our environment. The session ended with a Bee Facts Quiz to raise awareness, of how much we need to help our precious little pollinators now they are in decline.

Platfform Effro have their own beehives and sell the honey, so this is a subject close to their hearts.

Three elderly people work together in a community center, mixing ingredients in large bowls while wearing gloves. - Home Instead