7 Foods to boost your immune system in your later years

In the thick of cold & flu season, there’s never been a better time to think about the foods we eat, how they can help protect us from illness and improve our health.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, herrings & sardines contain lots of Omega-3 within the ‘good’ fatty acids. There are endless links to improving the health of: the brain (including fighting depression and dementia), the eyes, the heart, bones and joints, your skin. It can even help you sleep better and reduce the fat in your liver.

Salmon fillet on ice with fire in the background, showcasing a contrast of fresh and cooked elements. - Home Instead

Dark chocolate

If it’s the real stuff, we’re talking 70% plus, then it contains a high level of healthy antioxidants which help to fight ‘free radicals’ and keep the body in balance. Dark chocolate is also high in iron, magnesium, copper and manganese and because it has a low glycaemic index it’s a better treat for diabetics.

Close-up of two pieces of dark chocolate with detailed texture, laid on a dark surface. - Home Instead

Leafy greens

Your mum used to say
‘eat your vegetables’ for good reason. Leafy greens are packed full of vitamins, minerals and fibre which is good for the digestive system. They’re also low in calories which allows you to feel fuller for longer without putting on the pounds.

Fresh spinach leaves in a metal colander on a speckled countertop. - Home Instead

Citrus fruits

Everyone knows they’re full of vitamins, in particular vitamin C which helps with the immune system and keeps your skin in good health. The only caveat with fruit ‘juice’ is that it’s high in sugar and missing the fibre, so try to eat the fruit and drink juice in moderation.

Various citrus fruits including whole and halved limes, lemons, and grapefruits on a rustic wooden background. - Home Instead

Nuts and seeds

As well as containing the usual vitamins and minerals, nuts and seeds are also a good source of healthy fats and protein. One study has shown that eating nuts can actually aid weight loss!

Large metal bowls and sacks filled with various nuts, seeds, and grains displayed at a market stall. - Home Instead


Probiotics found in some yoghurts can enhance digestive health. Look on the label for ‘live, active cultures’ and terms like ‘bifidobacteria’. Like all diary products yoghurts are also high in calcium and protein.

A hand holding a bowl of yogurt topped with fresh blackberries, with a spoon in the bowl and a blue checkered napkin nearby. - Home Instead


Containing the compound allicin, garlic has a long history of fighting viruses, bacteria and fungal infections but use it sparingly or be prepared to sit on your own!

Learn more about home help services and meal preparation, and find out whether home care in Oldham & Saddleworth could be the right choice for your elderly loved ones, by getting in touch with our local team today.

Close-up of garlic bulbs, with one purple-striped garlic bulb standing out among the white ones. - Home Instead