Exercise and Wellness Activities around North Devon

Discover the best exercise and wellness activities in North Devon for older adults, families and caregivers. From yoga classes to nature walks.


Exercise and Wellness Activities around North Devon

Are you an older adult, family member or caregiver looking for fun and engaging ways to stay active and healthy in North Devon? Look no further! In this guide, we’ll explore some of the best exercise and wellness activities available in the area.


Yoga is a great way to improve flexibility, balance and strength while also reducing stress and anxiety. There are many yoga classes available in North Devon, ranging from gentle beginner classes to more advanced classes. Many classes take place in beautiful outdoor settings, allowing you to connect with nature as you practice.

Walking and Hiking

North Devon is home to some of the most beautiful walking and hiking trails in the UK. From coastal walks to woodland hikes, there is something for everyone. Walking and hiking are great ways to improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles and bones, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.


Swimming is an excellent low-impact exercise that is easy on the joints and suitable for all ages and abilities. North Devon has many swimming pools, both indoor and outdoor, as well as natural swimming spots such as beaches and rivers.

Dance Classes

Dancing is a fun and social way to stay active and healthy. There are many dance classes available in North Devon, including ballroom, Latin, and contemporary dance. Dancing can improve cardiovascular health, coordination, and balance, while also boosting mood and reducing stress.

Nature Walks

North Devon is home to many beautiful natural areas, including parks, nature reserves, and gardens. Nature walks are a great way to connect with nature, improve mental health and wellbeing, and get some gentle exercise. Many natural areas also offer guided walks and activities, making them suitable for older adults and families.

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a gentle martial art that is popular among older adults for its low-impact movements and stress-reducing benefits. Many Tai Chi classes take place outdoors, allowing you to connect with nature as you practice. Tai Chi can improve balance, flexibility, and coordination, while also reducing stress and anxiety.

In conclusion, North Devon offers a wide variety of exercise and wellness activities suitable for older adults, families and caregivers. Whether you prefer gentle yoga classes, nature walks or more challenging hikes, there is something for everyone in this beautiful part of the UK. So why not try something new today and start reaping the many health benefits of exercise and wellness?

Elderly couple laughing and sitting in lotus position on yoga mats in a bright room. - Home Instead