Home Instead and Richard Watkins of the Age Cymru of the Scam Awareness Service joined forces over the last few weeks in Monmouth at First Port and the Bridges Centre to raise awareness of the many scams that people can fall foul to.
Home Instead have have introduced a new prevention initiative in collaboration with ‘Take Five’ which is a nationally renowned campaign to provide clear and ubiased advice to empower individuals in safeguarding themselves against fraud.
As part of this initiative we have taken the extra steps to link with a very experienecd member of the Scam Awareness Service at Age Cymru who has enabled Community Engagment Officer – Nicola Masters provide an extra insight into keeping people safe online and in person.
‘Take Five’ is about giving yourself time to reflect before divulging personal information and to guide you on practical steps to protect yourself against fraud. There should never be a reason where somone would call you out of the blue to request a pin, number or any sensitive information over the telephone. ‘Stop’ and put the phone down if ayone ever requests sensitive information, ‘Challenge’ the caller are they impersonating somone, ‘Protect’ only criminals will try to rush you into making decisions you do not feel comfortable doing.
If you would like us to deliver an awareness session please contact us on 01633 740028 and ask for Nicola