Age Friendly 50+ Monmouthshire Survey

We are seeking your feedback to help Monmouthshire become an Age Friendly Community

If you are aged 50 or over, please take part in our survey and share your experiences and thoughts on everyday life in Monmouthshire.

The World Health Organisation has identified eight key areas that are crucial to the well-being of the 50+ population. This is an excellent opportunity for you to provide us with your feedback on these areas.

The eight areas the survey concentrates on are:

  • Outdoor Spaces and Buildings
  • Transportation
  • Housing
  • Social Participation
  • Respect and Social Inclusion
  • Civic Participation and Employment
  • Communication and Information
  • Community and Health Care

You can complete the survey online here – Age-Friendly Monmouthshire Survey  – Monmouthshire

If you would like to discuss the survey or your experiences with our Partnerships team, they’ll visit different locations in January and February. Feel free to pop along and speak to them.

  • Tuesday 6/2/24 – Caldicot Community Hub & Library
  • Tuesday 13/2/24 –Abergavenny Market
  • Wednesday 14/2/24 – Usk Community Hub & Library
  • Tuesday 20/2/24 – Monmouth Community Hub & Library
  • Friday 23/2/24 –Chepstow Community Hub & Library

If you would like to find out more or require a paper copy of the survey, please give our team an email at [email protected] or call 01633 644644

An elderly woman smiles while sitting in a garden, engaging in conversation with another person holding a watering can. - Home Instead