The best comfort food in Leek and Moorlands to get you through the Autumn

Ah, autumn in Leek and Moorlands—the crisp air, the golden leaves, and of course, the irresistible aroma of comfort food wafting through the streets. As the days get shorter and the jumpers get thicker, we all yearn for hearty meals that warm the soul. Lucky for us, Leek and Moorlands offer a wide array of scrumptious options for those seeking the warmth of comfort food. So, let’s embark on a culinary journey through a few of our team’s local favourites!

An older woman and a younger woman smile at each other while walking arm-in-arm through a park. - Home Instead

1. Lawtons Quality Pie Shop

Located at 74 Derby Street, Lawtons isn’t just another pie shop; it’s a slice of Leek history. Here’s the website for a peek at their menu.

The Must-Try

While Lawtons offers a delectable range of comfort foods, their traditional pies steal the spotlight. A mouthful of their cheese and onion pie, served with chips and gravy, is akin to a warm hug on a chilly autumn evening.

Why It’s a Local Gem

If pies were an art form, Lawtons would be the Picasso of the culinary world. The staff exude genuine warmth, making everyone feel like a regular, whether it’s their first visit or their fiftieth. The shop itself might be small, with just a handful of tables, but it’s always bustling—a testament to its popularity.

Close-up of mini quiches with garnish, served on white plates. A glass of wine and a cheese block are beside the quiches. - Home Instead

2. Leek Oatcakes

Tucked away on 2 Haywood Street, Leek Oatcakes is a local treasure that’s a click away on Facebook.

The Must-Try

Oatcakes are the undisputed champions of comfort food in Leek, and this establishment sets the bar high. Imagine a perfectly cooked oatcake, still warm from the griddle and stuffed with your choice of filling—it’s nothing short of heavenly.

Why It’s a Local Gem

Leek Oatcakes is not just a food outlet; it’s a keeper of traditions. Their oatcakes are so good they’ve turned many a sceptic into a die-hard fan. With quick service and fresh ingredients, a visit here is nothing short of a celebration of local cuisine.

Round oatmeal crackers stacked on a blue and white striped cloth. - Home Instead

3. Live Love Loaf

Situated on 3 Bath Street, this bakery might as well be Leek’s little secret corner of Paris. Feel free to explore their range of treats on their website.

The Must-Try

When the autumn winds start howling, nothing beats the heavenly scent and taste of freshly baked sourdough from Live Love Loaf. With its crusty exterior and soft, chewy interior, it’s the epitome of comfort.

Why It’s a Local Gem

From the first whiff of freshly baked bread to the last bite of a dreamy croissant, Live Love Loaf tantalises all senses. Their bakery-cafe next door offers more than just bread; it’s a sanctuary where time slows down, and the coffee is always perfect.

Close-up of a sliced sourdough bread loaf on a wooden cutting board, with a knife in the foreground. - Home Instead

4. Lion House Tearoom

Found at 4 Russell Street, the Lion House Tearoom sets the stage for cosy afternoons. Check out their delightful offerings on their website.

The Must-Try

A trip to Lion House isn’t complete without indulging in their freshly-baked scones. Paired with a pot of your favourite tea, it’s the classic local treat that warms you up from the inside.

Why It’s a Local Gem

Lion House Tearoom isn’t just about food; it’s about the experience. With mismatched crockery and a homey atmosphere, it turns a simple afternoon tea into a delightful event. The kindness of the staff and the delectable cakes make it a must-visit locale.

Scones with cream and jam, a jar of jam, and a cup of tea with milk on a rustic wooden table. - Home Instead

5. The Cottage Kitchen Country Cafe

Located in scenic Winkhill, the Cottage Kitchen Country Cafe offers not just comfort food but a comfort experience. To discover their culinary landscape, visit their website.

The Must-Try

The gluten-free afternoon tea is a revelation, but let’s talk about those Staffordshire oatcakes. Stuffed with beans, mushrooms, and vegan cheese, they are a gastronomic masterpiece that you won’t easily forget.

Why It’s a Local Gem

Set against a countryside backdrop, the Cottage Kitchen Country Cafe captures the essence of rural England while serving up a diverse menu for all tastes. With ample parking, accessibility features, and a cute little farm shop selling local produce, it’s not just a café but an entire experience.

A three-tiered stand with sandwiches, pastries, and desserts next to a teapot, cup, and saucer on a table by a window. - Home Instead

A Warm and Tasty Autumn in Leek and Moorlands with Home Instead

Leek and Moorlands area boasts some truly delightful comfort food spots that are ready to embrace you with warmth and flavour this autumn. These places not only serve delicious food but also create a sense of belonging and community, making your dining experience a memorable one.

As the autumn leaves continue to fall and the air grows crisper, it’s the perfect time to relish the company of friends and loved ones while enjoying comforting meals. And for those moments when you might need a little extra support and companionship, Home Instead is here to extend a helping hand. Our companionship care services are designed to ensure you or your loved ones continue to relish the warmth of companionship, even when the days grow shorter and cooler.

So, as you explore the culinary delights of Leek and Moorlands this autumn, remember that Home Instead is here to provide not just care, but a genuine companionship that will brighten your days and keep you feeling cosy and connected all season long. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for more information on how our companionship care services can make your autumn even more special. We’re just a phone call away.