We all sometimes need a little extra help.

No one should ever feel alone or stuck, the Island offers a massive amount of support for vulnerable people. Below is a snippet of support available.

If you find yourself feeling down, alone or stuck for supplies such as food, don’t suffer in silence. There are many charities across the Island that are here to help. If you don’t have a loved one to confide in, just remember you are not alone. Here are just a few places that can help and support many of our clients.

Age UK

Age UK Isle of Wight is an independent local charity. They’ve been working in the local community to help older people for 45 years. they have over 60 dedicated staff and hundreds of volunteers helping to deliver services and activities for older people on the Isle of Wight.

Some of the services that Age UK offer include,

  • Good Neighbour Scheme
  • Daily Respite
  • Help around the home
  • Digital inclusion
  • Dementia care
Age UK Isle of Wight logo with colorful ribbon design on the left and organization name in blue and turquoise text. - Home Instead

NHS Mental Health Support

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. As you get older, changes in your situation or painful events can affect your mental health making you more vulnerable to low moods, anxiety or depression.

Loneliness, bereavement and loss, illness and chronic pain, money worries and a loss of independence are just some of the issues which could affect your mental health, although sometimes there may be no obvious cause.

If you, or an older person you know, is experiencing negative feelings that don’t go away then there is plenty of support available to help.

A support webpage with sections: Help, Advice, Talk, Local Support, Tools, and Crisis Support. - Home Instead

Aspire, Ryde

Aspire is an award-winning community hub, providing services throughout the week in a redundant church building that now buzzes with activity.

Some of the things that Aspire offer include,

  • Community fridge – a free lunch for volunteers and members of the community
  • Activity groups to reduce isolation encouraging creativity and free use of sewing machines
  • Growing great things community gardening group
  • Social enterprise and skills hub for free ICT and employability training
  • Telephone support service – a friendly chat when you need it
  • Wellbeing walks & food and lunch clubs
Church spire with "ASPIRE RYDE" and "Transforming Place and Transforming People" text overlayed on the image. - Home Instead

Isle of Wight Foodbanks

“We don’t think anyone in our community should have to face going hungry. That’s why we provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to us in crisis. We are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.”­

Locations for foodbanks include,

  • Cowes, Love Lane
  • Ryde, Marlborough Road
  • Newport, Coppins Bridge
  • Freshwater, Colwell Road
Two men smiling and cooking together. One wears a black jacket, and the other a blue plaid shirt and a green apron. - Home Instead

If you or anyone you know is in a difficult situation, reach out to some of the Islands amazing support services, it is important to know that you are not alone and so many people are in the same position and feeling the same feelings as you.

Would you like to find out some of the benefits of home care in Isle of Wight? Give our team a call to find out more.