Home Instead Community Groups

A list of our current groups running in Ipswich, Felixstowe and Woodbridge. Please call Wendy on 01473 272301 for more information and booking.

Home Instead Community Groups

MEMORY LANE’S (ALTERNATE FRIDAYS) For people with dementia and their carers who live in Felixstowe and the peninsula.

Felixstowe – Between 10:30 -1 pm at St Felix Church Hall, Felixstowe IP11 7HT.

Trimley – Between 10 -12 pm at Trimley St Martin Memorial Hall, 301 High Road IP11 0RJ.

CAFES – For carers to leave their loved ones with us to have some respite.

The Cherry Tree Inn Dementia Café –  4th Thursday of the month between 10 -12 pm at The Cherry Tree Inn, Cumberland Street, Woodbridge, IP12 4AG.  Ring Cathy on 07874996726 to book a space.

Fore-get-me-not Golf – 1st Wednesday of the month between 2 – 4 pm. Seckford Golf Club, Seckford Hall Road, Great Bealings, Woodbridge IP13 6NT.

Key To Care – Surgery Drop In’s

Framfield House Medical Centre –  Ipswich Road, Woodbridge IP12 4FD. 1st Tuesday of every month between 10 -12 pm.

The Grove Medical Centre – Grove Road, Felixstowe IP11 9GA. 2nd Wednesday of every month between 10 -12 pm.

Two Rivers Medical Centre – 30 Woodbridge Road East, Ipswich IP4 5PB. 3rd Wednesday of every month between 10 -12 pm.

Compassionate Garden Group – Grove Court, Beech Way, Woodbridge, IP12 4BW. 4th Wednesday of every month between 10 am and 1 pm.  This group is designed to support those living and caring for someone with a life-limiting illness to help them cope with the grief they may be feeling.