Care journey

When you or your loved one receive care and support from Home instead, we think of this as your care journey.

  • Initial Chat
  • Care Consultation
  • Care Professionals selected especially for you
  • Quality Assurance 
  • Service Reviews
  • Changing Needs 

Initial Chat

By making an initial call to Home Instead you will find out how we can help.

We will gather some details from you about the person who is looking for care and support at home and will make arrangements to visit and carry out a full Care Consultation.

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Care Journey

Care Consultation

During the Care Consultation we will ask you to share what is important to you about your life history, health needs, daily routine and lifestyle so that we can work with you to create a care plan that sets out how we will support you to achieve your goals and remain independent in your own home.

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Care Journey

Care Professionals selected for you

Using the information you shared with us at the Care Consultation we will select Care Professionals to provide support that closely match your interests, hobbies and personality, so they can become friendly faces that you will get to know well and trust.

Care Pros are always introduced to you before the service begins, to ensure they are compatible and are the right fit for happy home care. 

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Care Journey by Home Instead

Quality Assurance 

We will call you in the 24-hours following your first call from a Care Professional to seek your feedback on how the call went and if the Care Plan in place, was followed and met your expectations.

Throughout your journey with Home Instead, we will regularly seek your feedback on the service you receive and identify ways to improve when necessary. We will visit you every six months to complete a Quality Assurance visit where we seek your feedback about your experience of being supported by Home Instead.

We also carry out an annual independent survey called Pursuing Excellence by Advancing Quality (PEAQ) that you will be asked to complete.

Care Journey

Service Reviews 

After we have been supporting you for two weeks, we will review the service and Care Plan with you to check that the care plan we created at the care consultation fully meets your needs.

We will carry out a review of your service with you every six months after your service has started to make sure that we are meeting your needs and the care plan remains up to date.

We can and will carry out a Service Review with you anytime during your journey with Home Instead that your needs or circumstances change, such as after a stay in hospital or when you have new goals to achieve.

care consultation

Changing Needs 

If your needs change this should be picked up during our regular reviews or by your team of familiar Care Professionals so that we can tailor your service to match.

We provide a wide range of domiciliary care services – from helping with household tasks or companionship, to assisting with personal care and specialist care  – meaning we can provide ongoing support as your needs develop.

Whatever new support you need, we will endeavour to ensure that your existing, trusted and experienced Home Instead Care Professionals will give you and your loved ones the peace of mind of knowing that you are being supported well at home.  

care consultation

Let's have a chat to
see how we can help

Get in touch

Confused about home care? We can help.

We know you want the best for your loved one, so when it comes to arranging home care, we’ve made it easy with personalised, attentive care that adapts as your needs change. 

Organising care shouldn’t feel like a trust fall. By taking the time to listen and understand your unique circumstances, we’re confident we can help your loved one live a more independent life at home, while helping you find balance as a caregiver. 

From warm and friendly companionship, to specialised, practical care that puts their needs and preferences first, we are changing the way people think about home care.   

Whatever questions you would like answered, we’re here to put your mind at ease – with no pressure to make a decision until you feel ready.

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Feeling stuck