Why should I plan for palliative care?


Hospice Care Awareness Week serves as a poignant reminder of the significance of planning for palliative care. Often shrouded in misconception and fear, palliative care is not just about the end of life but about enhancing the quality of life. In this blog, we aim to shed light on why early planning for palliative care is not only sensible but crucial for patients and their families alike.

What is Palliative Care?

Palliative care is an interdisciplinary approach to specialised medical care for people living with severe illnesses. It focuses on providing relief from the symptoms, pain, and stress of a chronic or life-limiting condition. Contrary to popular belief, palliative care is not limited to end-of-life scenarios. It aims to improve the quality of life for both the patient and their family, offering support at any stage of an illness, even alongside curative treatments.

When to Start Thinking About Palliative Care

The common misconception is that palliative care discussions should only begin when other treatments have been exhausted. This is far from the truth. Open dialogue with your care providers about palliative care options should start as soon as a life-limiting or chronic illness is diagnosed. The earlier the planning, the better equipped families are in managing symptoms, making informed decisions, and preparing for future care needs.

A young woman with a ponytail embraces and smiles at an elderly woman wearing a yellow cardigan in a brightly lit room. - Home Instead

The Emotional Aspect: Peace of Mind

In our experience, families we support find that having a plan in place for palliative care gives unparalleled peace of mind. It eases the emotional burden that accompanies chronic illnesses, offering a structured approach to care that’s built on empathy and understanding. Knowing that there’s a care pathway in place can greatly reduce stress, allowing families to focus more on quality time together rather than navigating complex healthcare systems.

Planning for Specific Needs

Depending on the condition, the palliative care needs of a person can be very specific. Whether it’s cancer, dementia, or any other serious illness, tailored care plans are essential. Home Instead offers a range of services and support designed to meet complex palliative care needs. Our highly trained Care Professionals can provide not only medical care but also emotional and psychological support, ensuring that the patient’s overall wellbeing is considered.

Financial Considerations

Financial planning is often overlooked when thinking about palliative care, but it’s an essential component. Early planning helps families budget for the long-term care needs that may arise, from medications and specialised equipment to possible home modifications. Home Instead can assist with navigating the complex world of healthcare funding, ensuring that you understand all the options available to you.

Person placing a coin into a white piggy bank on a table with scattered coins and a calculator nearby. - Home Instead

Continuity of Care: A Seamless Experience

Consistency is vital in any care scenario, but even more so in palliative care. Transitioning from one form of care to another can be unsettling for the patient. We understand this at Home Instead, and that’s why our Care Professionals aim to provide a seamless experience. Whether transitioning from hospital to home or between different types of care, we strive to make the experience as smooth as possible, always with the patient’s comfort and wellbeing at the forefront.

Involving Family: A Collective Decision

End-of-life planning is often a subject that most families avoid until it’s absolutely necessary. But in our experience, families we support find that collective decision-making can be empowering. Early planning allows everyone to have a say and ensures that the patient’s wishes are respected and incorporated. Our office team in Hinckley, Burbage and Nuneaton can also facilitate family meetings to discuss the different aspects of palliative care planning.

Community and Additional Support

Home Instead recognises that palliative care extends beyond the home and medical care. From spiritual advisors to social workers, we help connect families with a broader community of support. This includes grief counselling, practical advice on end-of-life matters, and additional services that aim to uplift the emotional wellbeing of the entire family.

Two people holding hands, one offering comfort and support to the other. Close-up of the hands. - Home Instead

The Time to Plan is Now

Hospice Care Awareness Week serves as an invaluable reminder of the importance of palliative care planning. From financial considerations and ensuring continuity of care to involving family and additional support systems, planning for palliative care is a multifaceted approach that benefits everyone involved. The time to start this planning is not tomorrow or next week—it’s today.