A guide to services in Fleet

Fleet, Hampshire, is home to a wide range of organisations that strive to provide essential services and support to the local community.

1. FATN Talking News: FATN Talking News is a fantastic organization that caters to the visually impaired community. They provide a valuable audio news service, offering local news, articles, and information in an accessible format for those with sight loss.
2. Fleet Morning Townswomen's Guild: The Fleet Morning Townswomen's Guild is a social group that brings together women of all ages and backgrounds. They organize various activities, events, and informative talks, fostering friendship, learning, and personal development.
3. Hart District Council: As the local governing body, Hart District Council serves the residents of Fleet and surrounding areas. They offer a range of services, including waste management, planning and development control, leisure facilities, community support, and more.
4. Open Sight: Open Sight is a charity dedicated to supporting individuals with visual impairments. They provide practical assistance, emotional support, and social activities to help visually impaired people lead independent and fulfilling lives.
5. Vox Community: Vox Community is a community-based organization that aims to tackle loneliness and social isolation. They offer a variety of activities, events, and befriending services to connect people and build a sense of belonging.
6. Yateley Industries for the Disabled - Yateley Community Pantry: Yateley Industries for the Disabled runs the Yateley Community Pantry, a project focused on reducing food waste and supporting those in need. They offer affordable food options and promote sustainable living within the community.
7. Age Concern Hampshire: Age Concern Hampshire is a charity that provides support and services for older adults. They offer assistance with issues such as health and well-being, social connections, and access to information and advice.
8. Alzheimer's Society: The Alzheimer's Society works tirelessly to support individuals affected by dementia, including their families and caregivers. They offer information, guidance, and a range of services to improve the lives of those living with dementia.
9. Andover Mind (Fleet Carer’s Group): Andover Mind's Fleet Carer's Group is a support network for individuals caring for loved ones with mental health issues. They provide a safe space for sharing experiences, offering advice, and connecting with others facing similar challenges.
10. Avon (for people wishing to become a representative): Avon provides an opportunity for individuals interested in becoming representatives to start their own business. They offer support, training, and a range of high-quality beauty and personal care products.
11. Avon (for people wishing to buy): Avon also caters to customers who wish to purchase their products. They offer a convenient way to access a wide variety of beauty, skincare, and household items.
12. Brendon Care: Brendon Care is a charity that focuses on enhancing the lives of older adults. They provide residential care, day clubs, and other support services to promote independence, well-being, and social engagement.
13. Buses in Fleet: Buses in Fleet ensure efficient and reliable transportation services within the town and surrounding areas. They provide an essential link for residents to access various amenities and connect with neighboring communities.
14. Care UK Bourley Grange: Care UK Bourley Grange is a care home facility that offers high-quality residential and dementia care services for older adults. They prioritize person-centered care and create a supportive and comfortable environmentCare UK Bourley Grange: Care UK Bourley Grange is a renowned care home facility in Fleet, Hampshire. They specialize in providing exceptional residential, nursing, and dementia care services to the elderly. With their dedicated and highly trained staff, they ensure a safe and comfortable environment for residents, promoting independence and a high standard of living.
15. Citizens Advice Hart: Citizens Advice Hart offers confidential, impartial, and free advice to individuals facing various issues. Whether it's legal concerns, financial difficulties, housing problems, or employment-related matters, their team of trained advisors provides guidance and support, ensuring that everyone has access to the information they need to make informed decisions.
16. Connect to Support: Connect to Support is a valuable resource for individuals seeking information and assistance regarding social care and support services in the Fleet, Hampshire area. Their comprehensive online directory connects users with local organizations, charities, and support groups, helping them find the right resources for their specific needs.
17. Farnborough Job Centre: The Farnborough Job Centre is dedicated to helping job seekers find employment opportunities. They provide assistance with job searches, resume writing, interview preparation, and access to training programs. Their aim is to empower individuals and facilitate their successful integration into the workforce.
18. Fleet Flower Club: Fleet Flower Club is a vibrant community organization passionate about floral artistry. They organize regular meetings, workshops, and demonstrations for flower enthusiasts of all skill levels. Through their events and activities, they foster creativity, friendship, and a shared love for the beauty of flowers.
19. Fleet Library: Fleet Library is a hub of knowledge and entertainment for the local community. With an extensive collection of books, magazines, e-resources, and multimedia materials, the library offers a wealth of educational and recreational opportunities. They also host events such as author talks, storytelling sessions, and reading clubs to engage and connect with the community.
20. Fleet Pond Society: The Fleet Pond Society is committed to the preservation and enhancement of Fleet Pond, the largest freshwater lake in Hampshire. Through conservation projects, educational initiatives, and community events, they ensure the sustainable management of this natural treasure, creating a haven for wildlife and a peaceful retreat for residents and visitors alike.
21. Hart Lions Club: Hart Lions Club is a charitable organization dedicated to serving the local community. They undertake a wide range of projects, including fundraising for various causes, providing support to individuals in need, and organizing community events. Their selfless efforts make a positive impact on the lives of many.
22. Here for Hart: Here for Hart is a community group focused on improving the well-being and social connection of residents in Hart. They organize activities, events, and initiatives that promote community engagement, health, and overall happiness. Their collaborative approach encourages residents to come together, support one another, and build a stronger, more inclusive community.
23. Here for Hart Directory: Here for Hart Directory is a valuable resource that brings together information about local services, groups, and organizations. It serves as a comprehensive guide for residents to access a wide range of support networks, ranging from healthcare services and community centers to recreational clubs and volunteer opportunities.
24. Home Instead: Home Instead is a renowned provider of in-home care services. Their professional caregivers offer personalized assistance, allowing people to maintain their independence and remain in the comfort of their own homes. From companionship and personal care to medication management and meal preparation, Home Instead provides comprehensive support that promotes well-being and a sense of security in Fleet.
25. Hart Health Walks: Hart Health Walks promotes physical fitness and social interaction through guided walks in the beautiful surroundings of Hart District. These walks cater to individuals of all ages and fitness levels, encouraging a healthy lifestyle and providing opportunities for participants to connect with nature and each other. Whether you're a seasoned walker or a beginner, Hart Health Walks welcomes you to explore the scenic landscapes of Fleet while reaping the benefits of exercise.
26. Hart Volunteer Centre: Hart Volunteer Centre acts as a vital link between local organizations and individuals seeking volunteer opportunities. By matching volunteers with diverse community projects and charities, they enable individuals to contribute their skills, time, and enthusiasm to causes they are passionate about. Whether you're interested in supporting the elderly, working with children, or preserving the environment, Hart Volunteer Centre can help you find meaningful volunteer work that makes a difference.
27. Hart Voluntary Action: Hart Voluntary Action is dedicated to promoting and supporting local voluntary and community groups. They offer guidance, training, and resources to these organizations, strengthening their capacity to deliver essential services to the community. By facilitating collaboration and providing a voice for the voluntary sector, Hart Voluntary Action plays a crucial role in creating a vibrant and engaged community in Fleet.
28. The Lions Club of Fleet: The Lions Club of Fleet is part of a global network of volunteers committed to serving communities in need. Through fundraising initiatives, community events, and hands-on support, they address various local issues, including health, education, and social welfare. The Lions Club of Fleet is an exemplary organization that brings people together and helps create a positive impact in the community.
29. Minding the Garden: Minding the Garden is a local initiative that promotes mental well-being through horticultural therapy. By offering gardening activities, workshops, and a supportive environment, they enable individuals to enhance their mental health and cultivate a sense of purpose. Minding the Garden provides a unique opportunity to connect with nature while reaping the therapeutic benefits it offers.
30. Farnborough & District Branch of Parkinson's UK: This local branch of Parkinson's UK provides vital support and resources to individuals living with Parkinson's disease, as well as their families and caregivers. They organize regular meetings, events, and activities aimed at improving quality of life and raising awareness about Parkinson's. The branch is a valuable source of information, assistance, and a welcoming community for those affected by this neurological condition.
31. The Princess Royal Trust for Carers in Hampshire: The Princess Royal Trust for Carers is a dedicated charity that offers support to individuals who care for their loved ones. In Hampshire, this organization plays a vital role in providing respite care, emotional support, information, and practical advice to carers. They work tirelessly to ensure that carers in the Fleet area receive the assistance they need to maintain their own well-being while caring for others.
32. Southern Health Foundation NHS Trust - Falls Friends: Falls Friends, a service provided by the Southern Health Foundation NHS Trust, focuses on preventing falls and promoting safety for the elderly population in Fleet and the surrounding areas. This initiative provides education, assessments, and exercises aimed at reducing the risk of falls and improving overall balance and mobility. Falls Friends is an invaluable resource for the community, promoting independence and well-being among older adults.
33. TalkPlus: TalkPlus is an NHS service that specializes in providing psychological therapies to individuals in Fleet dealing with common mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, stress, and more. Their team of trained professionals offers a range of therapies, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and counseling, to support individuals in their journey towards improved mental well-being. TalkPlus strives to make mental health support accessible to all, empowering residents to live fulfilling lives.
34. The Vine Centre: The Vine Centre is a local charity that addresses homelessness, poverty, and social exclusion in the Fleet area. They offer a wide range of services, including accommodation, food provision, and support for those experiencing homelessness or struggling with financial hardship. The Vine Centre's commitment to empowering individuals and helping them rebuild their lives is an inspiration to the community.
35. U3A Fleet: U3A (University of the Third Age) Fleet is a dynamic organization that promotes learning, socializing, and active living for individuals who are no longer in full-time employment. Members can participate in a variety of interest groups, including art, history, languages, and sports. U3A Fleet encourages personal growth, friendship, and the sharing of knowledge among its members, fostering a vibrant and supportive community.
36. Versus Arthritis North Hampshire Group: The North Hampshire Group of Versus Arthritis provides valuable support to individuals living with arthritis in Fleet and the surrounding areas. The group organizes regular meetings, social activities, and educational events to help individuals manage their condition, connect with others facing similar challenges, and access up-to-date information and resources. The North Hampshire Group is a lifeline for those living with arthritis, empowering them to lead active and fulfilling lives.
37. VIVID: VIVID is a leading housing association in the Fleet area, dedicated to providing affordable homes and creating thriving communities. They offer a range of housing solutions, from rental properties to shared ownership, ensuring that individuals and families have access to safe and comfortable housing. VIVID's commitment to community development extends beyond housing, as they actively engage with residents, organize events, and support local initiatives.