My First Week in Care

How are you finding the transition into care?

It’s completely different to what I have done before but having an elderly father who I look after has helped with the transition.  I am a naturally caring and empathetic person which helps a great deal if you are considering going into this type of role.

Are you happy with the amount of support you have received during your first week as a Care Professional?

Yes.  The shadowing calls to introduce you to new clients is a huge help, especially when you are doing the role for the first time.  It gave me the confidence I needed to go and do the call on my own.

During the whole induction and training process I was made to feel that I had the support of the office team

as well as my colleagues.  I wasn’t afraid to ask any questions as and when I needed to.

Please give a brief overview of how you have found your first week as Care Professional with Home Instead Fareham & Gosport:

My first week went well.  The client assessment I had by my Operations Manager was a little daunting as I didn’t want to mess up whilst being with my client and doing a solo call for the first time.

A big worry is running out of time with a client that might need a lot doing in the hour and then being late for the next call.

Completely the IQ app each time I finish with a client can take a while but I’m sure I’ll become quicker the more experience I get.

The clients I have had so far have been lovely.  I am looking forward to building up my regular client base and helping them with their day to day lives so they can remain at home.

Helen Potter