Case Study: Support for MS and Dementia Margaret and Peter's Story

Discover how Margaret and Peter from Lee on Solent adapted to changing needs with compassionate home care from Home Instead Fareham.

Introducing married couple Margaret and Peter: Our home care clients

Margaret and Peter*, a vibrant couple in their early seventies from Lee on Solent, faced unexpected challenges when Margaret was diagnosed with Dementia with Lewy Bodies and Multiple Sclerosis in 2014. 

Known for their active lifestyles and leadership roles in a major high street retailer, their lives took a significant turn. Margaret’s diagnosis brought about depression, a reluctance to engage with new people, and anxiety about leaving her apartment. Recognising the progressive nature of her conditions, Peter sought a home care provider that could adapt to their evolving needs without overwhelming Margaret.

*Our clients names have been changed for reasons of confidentiality

Tailoring the approach to care

After contacting various providers, Peter found that many insisted on direct assessments with Margaret, which he believed would be counterproductive due to her anxiety and reluctance to meet new people. Home Instead Fareham & Gosport, referred by a healthcare professional, offered a different approach. They agreed to assess Margaret’s needs through discussions with Peter and Margaret’s community mental health worker, ensuring a sensitive and unobtrusive start to their care.

Establishing trust and building relationships

Initially, Home Instead arranged for companionship visits that included Margaret’s community mental health worker, easing her into a comfortable relationship with her Care Professionals. Over time, as trust was established, the visits transitioned to one-on-one interactions with her Home Instead Care Professional, creating a stable and familiar support system.

Establishing trust and building relationships

Adapting to Increasing care needs

Over three years, Margaret’s condition evolved, leading to significant declines in her mobility and cognitive functions. This progression necessitated a substantial increase in support—from initially a few hours a week to about 25 hours per week, including every morning, two afternoons, and occasional evenings. Our team at Home Instead Fareham and Gosport had a flexible and responsive approach, which allowed for these adjustments seamlessly, ensuring Margaret’s comfort and Peter’s ability to manage his own well-being through scheduled respite breaks.

Palliative care, with dignity and respect

As Margaret’s care entered its last stages, Home Instead collaborated closely with Peter and local palliative care professionals to honour her wish to remain at home. The care schedule was promptly adapted to include four visits daily by two Home Instead Care Professionals each, ensuring comprehensive support during this critical time. This arrangement provided continuous care and maintained the intimate, familiar team that Margaret knew, minimising distress and providing stability.

Reflections on the impact of Home Instead Fareham’s care

Peter expressed profound gratitude towards Home Instead, highlighting the significant difference their approach made in their lives:

“It was like someone had opened a door from a very dark place. Home Instead understands the importance of having a small group of Care Professionals who can cover for each other. 

Having cover from strangers or Care Professionals that only come on infrequent visits does not work with Dementia! 

From my experience to date, I highly recommend Home Instead, who have solutions that work.”

Reflections on the impact of Home Instead Fareham’s care


Margaret and Peter’s story illustrates the core of Home Instead’s mission: to provide compassionate, adaptable, and respectful care that meets the changing needs of our clients. By focusing on building trust and adjusting services as needed, Home Instead ensures that each client and their family members receive support that not only addresses practical needs but also enhances their quality of life.

For those facing similar challenges, Home Instead Fareham and Gosport offers not just care, but a partnership that respects the dignity of every individual and supports their choices throughout their care journey. Contact us to learn how we can tailor our services to meet your unique needs and ensure your loved ones can live with dignity and comfort at home. 

Learn more about our local home care services and specialist care by calling us on 01329 596 706 or for job opportunities apply online at our website.

*Our clients names have been changed for reasons of confidentiality