Monthly events we run in Theydon Bois

We run two sessions every month for our Clients, their families and for people living with Dementia in Epping Forest

Our Community Relations Manager, organises our  monthly Memory Lane Café and Singing for the Brain sessions. These events have been set up for our clients, our Care Professionals, members of the public living with dementia and their carers, living in Epping Forest.

Both these sessions take place at Theydon Bois Village Hall which is a great location with lots of parking, easy access into the building and big rooms for us to hire.

These events use music to uplift those attending. Music has been shown to have positive benefits for people living with dementia and general memory loss. When used appropriately, music can shift mood, stimulate positive interactions, facilitate cognitive function, and coordinate motor movement. (Jessica Yun)

The memory Lane café is an afternoon event on the second Wednesday of the month. It takes place in the big Oak Hall. We now have over forty people attending and is growing!

The afternoon usually involves a quiz, activities and the opportunity to chat to friends old and new. We always end with a sing-a -long led by one of our Care Professionals, Kevin, on his guitar. it is always lovely to see how this engages people and everyone leaves with a smile on their face.

Our Singing for the Brain takes place on the morning of the third Wednesday of the month in the Small Hall. We now have around thirty people attending, the aim is to encourage people to socially interact through the use of music. We offer refreshments and the opportunity to chat amongst each other, discuss the music and memories associated with the music as well as actually singing.

I asked Maureen to list our current top 10 tracks and for a reason why they were on the list. This is what she sent me:

  1. I am the music man – This song just makes people smile with all the different actions.
  2. Morning has Broken – generally a good opening song.
  3. Row, Row, Row your Boat – good for arm action.
  4. Pretty Woman – a recent anecdote – this reminded a lady of her late husband, he used to sing it to her often when she walked into the room.
  5. Que Sera Sera – brings back memories of childhood and advice from parents.  This is a big favourite.
  6. A spoon full of sugar – Often promotes discussion among the Group.
  7. Maybe it’s because I am a Londoner – Great for asking where members of the Group come from etc.
  8. You need hands – again promotes discussion and activity.
  9. Sweet Caroline – this song always gets everyone involved and joining in.  A happy song.
  10. We will meet again -always a good song to end with.

We will be introducing another monthly event from July – DanceSing which is s combination of mainly chair based singing and movement. Further details to follow!

These events are now really well attended and pre booking is required. If you would like to attend a session please contact Maureen, to reserve a place. [email protected] or telephone 01992 666777. Here is a photo of Maureen so you know who to look out for.

A woman with long blonde hair wearing a magenta blazer and white blouse smiling against a white background. - Home Instead