Signs your parents may need a little help to remain independent and safe at home

Things to look for when visiting your parents

Signs your parents may need a little help to remain independent and safe at home

You might begin to see indications that your parents need assistance at home as they get older. Physical and cognitive abilities might deteriorate with age, making it challenging for elderly parents to do daily duties on their own. Below are a few indicators that your elderly parents may require assistance at home:

Daily Task Difficulties: Your parents can have trouble with routine chores including cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, and maintaining their personal hygiene. They can overlook medication reminders or cancel doctor’s appointments.

Mobility Issues: Due to physical limits or medical concerns, your parents can find it difficult to walk or move around the house. Additionally, they run the chance of falling and getting hurt.

Decline in Personal Appearance: It’s possible that your parents can no longer maintain their personal hygiene, including washing, cleaning their teeth, and combing their hair.

Forgetfulness: Your parents can overlook taking their medications, paying their bills or turning off the cooker. They might also lose track of recent events, faces, and names.

Social Isolation: Your parents may isolate themselves and stop participating in social activities. They might also go through anxiety or depression.

Unsafe living conditions: Your parents might have problems climbing stairs or getting in and out of the shower, or they might live in a messy or untidy house.

Unexplained Bruises or Injuries: Your parents may have unaccounted-for bruises or wounds that could be symptoms of slips, trips, or other mishaps..

It might be time to think about getting your elderly parents assistance at home if you witness any of these symptoms in them. Home care assistance can help your parents live independently while protecting their safety and wellbeing. Examples include meal preparation, housekeeping, personal care, and medication reminders as well as prompting medication.

A younger woman helps an elderly woman out of a car, both smiling warmly at each other. - Home Instead