Day in the Life of Care Pro Ali

I ask myself a series of important questions each day that help me ensure I am fully prepared to provide the best care and support to my clients.

These questions reflect my dedication to my role as a Care Professional and my commitment to maintaining a high standard of care. They also highlight my consideration for both my work and personal life balance.

By reflecting on these questions, I believe that it helps me to create a positive and fulfilling caregiving experience, as well as work-life balance.

Before any calls, I ask myself?

Do the hours I work suit me?

Do the hours I work suit my home life?

Do I have more time to take more calls?

Do I have the energy/motivation/want to do more calls?

Do I have PPE?

Have I planned well ahead to organise delivery of PPE?

Do I have enough fuel?

Have I financially planned ahead for a months supply of fuel?

Have I saved in advance for the cost and up keep of running a car?

Am I up to date with One Learning?

After each shift, can I show my partner I care for him?

In general do I show I care?

Do I conform to Home Instead’s Company Policies?

Is Home Instead supportive?

After my schedule is delivered, I ask myself

Have I planned in advance the distance to calls, both there and in between each call?

Am i familiar with each client?

Have I read and updated myself with the clients lifestyle?

Am I up to date with clients Careplan?

Am I up to date with One Learning?

Am I confident with medication?

Do I like the client?

Am I and the client compatible?

Am I the best CP for the client?

Can I go the extra mile for the client?

Should I go the extra mile?

After the call, I ask myself.

Did I deliver a high standard of care?

Did I like the client?

Was the client and I compatible?

Did I do my best for the client?

Were my ACP notes, clear, correct & Concise?

Could I have done more for the client?

Should I have done more for the client?

Did I want to do more for the client?

Do I want to return to the client?

Should I ask for more calls?

After my shifts, are my energy levels ok to show my partner I care for him?

The list of my questions could go on and on however there is only one answer of YES!!

I do enjoy the life of a carer, hectic as it can be. I am proud to be a part of Home Instead!!

Ali X