Technology during COVID -19

We provide a managed Portal service – a purpose-built tablet for the senior community in mind. A virtual CareGiver – Video calling and answering acts as though someone is there in person.  Many of our now clients have been supported with these products prior to 1:1 care being put in place. We are working hard to find and develop services that meet people’s equally unprecedented needs. Technology has never been so important to providing one of life’s most essential things — the ability to communicate with the people we love regardless of where they are. 

Benefits include a weekly management call between client and the office and then office and client’s family if needed. We are here for you if you need any help or have any questions, allows additional support to be given for new medication, and offers peace of mind that clients can communicate and receive support from a CQC Outstanding provision when they are on their own

Another product and service we offer is Home Aware; a 24-hour support service designed to give families a way to ensure their loved one is safe and monitored around the clock. A selection of subtle sensors and smart technology that connects to the Wi-Fi (or MiFi Hub can be provided), will monitor movement around the home; sensors will raise an alert if your loved one has fallen or become immobile for example. A front door sensor would raise an alert if the door has been left open, suggesting perhaps someone has started to wander. Home Aware will raise the alert directly with our Home Instead monitored systems and anybody else who is nominated to be aware through an easy to use App.