What happens at a Care Consultation?

If you're thinking about getting care, find out how a Home Instead Care Consultation could help you.

What happens at a Care Consultation?

Finding the right care for yourself or a loved one is a daunting endeavour.

It’s likely that until now, you’ve never had to think about it means to have care at home, or even how to go about acquiring it.

Unfortunately, it often takes a crisis to make us realise how important it is to have the right support at the right time. Life events like unforeseen hospitalisations, sudden or chronic health conditions, accidents, and even the inevitable passage of time can all mean that continuing to live in the comfort of your own home becomes increasingly challenging.

At Home Instead Canary Wharf, we pride ourselves in enabling vulnerable adults to continue living safely and independently in their own homes with the help and support of our incredible Care Professionals.

If you’re curious about the care options available to you or a loved one, or you are simply overwhelmed by the prospect of finding care, our free, no-obligation Care Consultation service can really help you to plan your way forward.

Here is a brief summary of how you can expect the Care Consultation process to work:

Step 1: Call us or message us

The quickest and easiest way to get the ball rolling is to give us call on 0203 713 3161.

Even if you’re not sure about what you need, our friendly and experienced team is here to listen to you, understand your situation, and talk you through how we can help.

Often, this step alone can start to alleviate any stress or anxiety you may be feeling about the process, by helping you to get a clearer idea of the way forward.

If you contact us through our website, a member of our team will call you at your preferred time.

Step 2: Arrange a convenient time for a Care Consultation in your home

After your chat with our team, you can either take some time to go away and think about how you’d like to proceed, or you can book a free Care Consultation with one of our managers at your home at a time that suits you. If you’re calling on behalf of someone else, it’s worth making sure they’re available too.

Our team will request your contact details, the address where you would like the Consultation to take place, and then send you an email to confirm the appointment.

Step 3: The Care Consultation takes place

A Home Instead manager will arrive at your home at the agreed time and date.

The Care Consultation is an opportunity for you tell us exactly how you want to be supported and ask any questions that you may have, at your own pace, and in the comfort and security of your own home.

At Home Instead, we want you to be be in full control of your own care, and we will encourage you to tell us about your goals, your preferences, your dislikes, and your concerns, about a wide range of matters.

We consider each of our clients to be unique individuals, and therefore our service is created bespoke to you, as we don’t believe in a “one-size-fits-all” approach. Any care we provide will be tailored to your specific needs and wishes.

In order to build an accurate Care Plan, we will ask you questions about your life, your family and friends, your daily routine, your hobbies, your health, your medication needs, and the activities with which you would like support.

On average, a Care Consultation takes between 90 minutes to two hours – as this is one of the most important aspects of the care journey, it’s worth taking your time to make sure you discuss everything on your mind.

Once we have all the information we need and all your questions are answered, you again have the opportunity to take some time to think about your options and get in touch with us at a later date if you wish.

If, on the other hand, you feel happy with what you’ve heard and are keen to be supported by Home Instead, our manager will have all the necessary paperwork on hand for you to sign at the end of the Care Consultation which will allow us to begin the necessary work of planning your start date.

Remember, this entire process is free of charge. Even after signing paperwork with us to commence our services, you still have 14 days in which to change your mind without having to pay any costs or fees.

Step 4: Start enjoying our outstanding care

If you choose to sign the relevant paperwork during the Care Consultation, we will discuss your preferred start date and ongoing visiting pattern.

We will then put together a detailed Care Plan to meet your needs, and match a small team of highly trained, kind and compassionate Care Professionals who can not only provide the support your require, but also build a long-lasting, trusting relationship with you.

The manager you meet at the Care Consultation will introduce this team of Care Professionals to you at your home prior to your service commencement date. This will give you the opportunity to get to know your support team in advance, and ask us any further questions that you may have, so that you can feel confident and secure from the very first day that you start to receive care.

In addition to the best Care Professionals in the industry, you will also have access to a Home Instead manager 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, should you ever need to discuss any aspect of your service.

Managers will also have frequent touchpoints with you and your team throughout the year to ensure the highest standards of care are maintained.

So if you are stressed, concerned, or even simply curious about finding quality support at home for yourself or a family member, call us today on 0203 713 3161, and start putting your mind at ease.

An elderly man and a woman talking to a younger man holding a pen, sitting on a couch in a cozy living room. - Home Instead