How to beat the winter blues

Combat winter blues effectively with our comprehensive guide. Learn practical tips for you and your older loved ones to stay positive during the colder months.


The winter months can be a difficult time for many people, including the elderly who might be even more susceptible to seasonal mood changes known as the “winter blues” or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). In this blog, we aim to provide some practical strategies for both you and your elderly loved ones to navigate through the challenges posed by the colder months more comfortably

Understanding the Winter Blues

The term “winter blues” refers to a set of symptoms like feeling down, less energetic, or even depressed during the winter season. While the severity of these symptoms can vary, it’s essential to understand that they’re a common experience. In our experience at Home Instead, older adults can be especially vulnerable due to factors like reduced mobility and less frequent social interaction. Our Care Professionals find that a little understanding and proactive care can go a long way in mitigating these symptoms for clients.

Why It's Important to Address

Ignoring the winter blues could lead to a decline in physical health and emotional wellbeing for anyone, but especially for older adults. It’s crucial to identify the signs early and take proactive measures. Families we support have found that a coordinated approach between family members and carers can make a significant difference in enhancing the quality of life during winter.

An elderly man with glasses and a gray beard, resting his chin on his hands, gazing thoughtfully into the distance. - Home Instead

Practical Strategies for Beating Winter Blues

Physical Exercise

Exercise is one of the most effective ways to beat the blues. For older adults, even simple activities like walking around the house or seated exercises can help. In our experience, our clients enjoy participating in family-friendly activities that also encourage gentle movement. Indoor activities such as seatedyoga or dancing to music are good examples.

Nutritional Support

Eating a balanced diet rich in Vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids can help alleviate symptoms of the winter blues. Our Care Professionals find that incorporating seasonal fruits and vegetables into meals can boost mood and overall health. To make mealtime more enjoyable for your older loved ones, you might consider cooking together or experimenting with new, healthy recipes.

A woman with a towel around her neck, sitting on a mat, smiling, and eating a salad in a relaxed indoor setting. - Home Instead

Social Connections and Mental Wellbeing

In our experience, a strong support network can be crucial in combating the winter blues. Since the cold weather and shorter days can limit opportunities for social interaction, consider scheduling regular visits, phone calls, or video chats with your older loved ones. Our Care Professionals also recommend engaging in activities that stimulate the mind, such as puzzles, reading, or crafts. Families we support have found that these interactions not only lift spirits but also strengthen bonds.

Home Environment

A warm and comfortable home environment can greatly affect one’s mood. Think about adjusting the lighting to counteract the gloominess of shorter days. Also, consider keeping the home warm and cosy through effective heating and the use of blankets, as low temperatures can exacerbate feelings of sadness or isolation.

Four cheerful elderly individuals sitting together, smiling and posing with arms outstretched inside a cozy cafe. - Home Instead

How Home Instead Can Help

Winter poses unique challenges that can feel overwhelming to manage on your own. Home Instead offers a range of services to support the wellbeing of your older loved ones during this time. Our Care Professionals are trained in recognising signs of the winter blues and Seasonal Affective Disorder and can offer companionship, assistance with daily activities, and even help in setting up a conducive home environment to battle the winter blues effectively.