MacMillan Coffee Morning Raises Over £250 for Charity!

We all came together for a heartfelt cause – the MacMillan Coffee Morning. 

Last week, we hosted an event that not only filled our souls with warmth but also contributed significantly to the noble mission of supporting MacMillan Charity. With passion and dedication, our team completed a MacMillan Coffee Morning.

A Heartfelt Gathering for a Noble Cause

This event not only filled us with warmth but also contributed significantly to supporting MacMillan Charity’s noble mission.

The delightful aroma of cakes filled the air; ranging from classic Victoria sponges to exotic red velvet delights.

Gratitude fills our hearts as we extend our thanks to everyone who contributed, either by baking cakes or making generous donations. Each act of kindness played a vital role in our success, highlighting the generosity of our community members.

Cake Competition Champion

Among the delectable offerings, Joanna’s personalised MacMillan Cake stood out, winning both the competition and our hearts.

Raising Funds, Raising Hope

Through our collective efforts, we raised over £250 for MacMillan Charity. These funds are a testament to our shared commitment to making a difference in the lives of those affected by cancer.

Get Involved: Host Your Own Coffee Morning!

As we celebrate our success, we invite you to consider hosting your own MacMillan Coffee Morning. By doing so, you can contribute significantly to the crucial work undertaken by MacMillan Charity.

Organising your event is simple. Visit for guides, resources, and tips on creating a memorable coffee morning. Your efforts, whether big or small, can help raise funds and awareness for MacMillan Charity.