Busting Myths: What You Need to Know About Live-In Care in Camberley

When searching online for Live-in Care advice, you'll find a stack of myths about home care. We take a look at the most common concerns and set the record straight.

Myth 1: Is Live-in Care only for the very old or the severely ill in Camberley?

Fact: While most of our clients are older, Live-in Careis available to anyone needing around-the-clock assistance. 

Let’s say you have had heavy surgery and don’t have anyone close by to attend; care professional services can help you with that.

If you find your disability physically challenging, then Live-In Care is also something to consider. You’ll find services like ours right here in Camberley. Camberley home care services are more flexible and adept than you think at assisting people of all ages.

Home Instead care professional preparing food with client at home

Myth 2: You don’t get dedicated care professionals in Camberley?

Fact: Camberley is a beautiful town in the Surrey suburbs, and while you might think that means reduced services, that isn’t true. You can find qualified specialist care professionals to help you with various things.

At Home Instead, we have dedicated Care Pros for:

  • Dementia and Alzheimer’s care
  • Parkinson’s care
  • Neurological conditions
  • Cancer care
  • Mobility and arthritis care
  • Palliative care
  • and non-condition-specific 24/7 care needs

If you are looking for Live-in Care specifically, then this means one carer who stays with you day and night, not a team of ever-changing faces. That’s been vital for us to champion here at Home Instead because we understand that supporting you and your loved one isn’t just about your physical needs; it’s also about offering companionship for your mental well-being.

Myth 3: Live-in Care in Camberley is expensive

Fact: In some cases, the cost of home care, particularly Live-in Care in Camberley, can be less expensive than residential care. The exact figures will depend heavily on your situation and needs.

Where you find them comparable, we recommend considering each service. The advantage of home care provision is the independence and confidence you retain while being cared for at home. You can read more about this in our study – Care home or home care: a comparison of elderly care options.

It’s also worth noting that local government assistance with care costs is available. If you or your loved one resides in Camberley, support is available via Surrey County Council.

Myth 4: Live-in Care providers are not qualified in Camberley?

Fact: All of our Home Care Pros are qualified, but specialist caregivers have more specific training. That ensures we can provide the very best care for everyone we serve.

So, yes, you can find qualified care professionals in Camberley when you need them.

Myth 5: Live-in Care isolates

Fact: Quite the opposite, in our view! Live-in Care isn’t about confining someone to a home in the same way residential care can. Instead, home-based care is explicitly designed to allow people to continue enjoying life. So, if you can pop to the shops, we’ll walk with you; if you can sit in the garden and enjoy a book, we’ll put the kettle on; and if you have your friends pop in for a chat, we’ll give you some space. 

Myth 6: Live-in Caregivers can’t be trusted

Fact: We can understand that some people will have had unfortunate experiences. Still, in our experience managing a large team of dedicated carers, our clients are extremely happy with the level of trust they have in their Care Pros.

That is something to consider in your care search – do you feel comfortable that the care provision will be tailored to your needs, dignified for your loved one, and, most importantly, reliable?

We asked one of our local clients for tips to help you get started on your care search. Here’s a short video that we hope will help.

Myth 7: You can’t receive Live-in Care in Camberley if you have a family carer

Fact: It is essential to recognise that family caregivers need support, too, and Home Care, specifically Live-in Care, is available to relieve some of that pressure so families can enjoy quality time together.

Myth 8: You can’t stay home if you need 24/7 care in Camberley

Fact: Home care is available to all Camberely residents, including those who need 24/7 support. At Home Instead, trained Care Pros are available for Live-In Care placements, whether that is a temporary concern (for example, after a heavy surgery) or a permanent need.

Myth 9: A Live-in Carer will take the place of family and friends

Fact: A live-in caregiver is like an extra friend; that’s how we like to think of it here at Home Instead – only a friend who can provide you with the additional support you need to live well at home.

Myth 10: A Live-in Carer will take over my family’s care plan

Fact: No, this is not true. Your care professional is there to advise on care and provide you with assistance, services, and companionship. You and your family make the decisions on your overall care plan.

If you do not have anyone to help you with those decisions, care services like ours can support you with advice, but those final decisions are yours.

Are you looking for more advice on Live-in Care in Camberley?
Please speak to our care team today on 01276 903106

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