Man's Best Friend

Pets play a big part in our day to day wellbeing. Read on to find out about, dog friendly pubs, Therapy dogs, Home visits and Shelters.

Man's Best Friend

The phrase a ‘Man’s best friend’ is all too true, especially if you have felt alone following loss of a life time partner or friend, which can often be the case entering our later years. But it might be the best time to seek out a furry friend if you don’t already have one.

Studies have shown that stroking a pet can reduce stress, increase happy hormones, give a feeling of security and some much needed companionship. Our Care Professionals not only look after our clients but their pets too and understand the benefit of having their dog, cat, bird or occasional lizard, as a constant companion to work through life with.

We appreciate that not every person is in a position to own a pet for financial reasons, perhaps they don’t have the space, or in practice it isn’t an option. There are however other options to get your animal fix. Visiting a local pet shelter is always a fun option as a day out, Dogs Trust in Newbury or their centre in Salisbury, will allow you to walk around the centre and if you’re interested in a dog will be able to tell you more about them. Visiting animal shelters may allow for someone that is considering the option of a pet friend, to explore what that might look like. It’s a great activity to do together and could be combined with a nice cuppa tea after. Maybe even seek out a pet friendly café. Take a look at the, The Good Dog Guide website which lists all the dog friendly pubs and restaurants in the East Wiltshire area. You can even check for other services such as events, parks, and Pet boutiques.

If you are a care giver and own a dog, you could ask if they could come and visit your loved one with you. Perhaps it could be used as an excuse to encourage your loved one outside. The benefit of fresh air, new scenery and opportunity to socialise will help to give them a little boost. It may even become the incentive to create a habit for the regular activity they need move forward and improve their physical and mental health.

If you are interested in registering your dog as a therapy dog will be able to assess your dog to see if they have what it takes.

Alternatively, Dogs for health is a registered charity that offer walk and talk group meetings with registered therapy dogs but if you feel like getting out of the house is too much, click on the ‘Get in touch’ page on their website and find out if you can arrange a regular meet in your own home.

We are a dog friendly office and know the enormous benefit of having a furry companion about. So if all else fails come and visit us at SSI House, Fordbrook business centre, Pewsey, SN9 5NU for a cuppa on one of our open days and meet all the team.

Two dogs stand on a path next to a lush green field with a scenic landscape in the background under a clear sky. - Home Instead