This month we focus on tips on preventing falls. Small changes can make a big difference to the safety and well-being of our loved ones.
Keep Active
Why not consider activities which boost strength and balance, like using the stairs, doing strength exercises, Tai Chi or dancing. The lovely Jo Wicks has a low impact video designed for seniors which can be followed and enjoyed together as a family. Always fun to exercise with others! Watch Jo Wicks here Jo Wicks 10 Minute Seniors Workout
Keep your Home Safe
Time for a declutter! Minimise your risks by keeping your home as clutter free and well-lit as possible and consider taking up rugs which can be a trip hazard.
Keep Well
It is important to keep up to date with medical appointments and ensure all medication is current and appropriate. Some medication can cause drowsiness or dizziness which may cause a fall – always speak to your GP about possible side effects.
Keep Nourished
A healthy balanced diet including lots of fruit and vegetables, lean white meat and fish will help to maintain a healthy body and can lessen the risk of falling. It is very key to keep your self hydrated even in the cooler months.