Why us

We are the charity of Home Instead. We work hard with local offices, the public, and companies to raise vital funds to support local community groups and enable their ageing adults to stay active, healthy, mentally well and emotionally connected.

  • Driven By Our Vision
  • Fundraising Promise
  • Passionate Team
  • Global Charity, Local Impact

Driven by our vision

Our vision is a world where ageing adults play an active and inclusive role in society where loneliness and isolation is eradicated through thoughtful, proactive and respectful social activities to empower ageing adults to live happy, healthy, connected and valued lives.
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vision mission

Fundraising promise

This promise outlines the commitment made to donors and the public by fundraising organisations which register with the Fundraising Regulator. Those who register with the regulator agree to ensure their fundraising is legal, open, honest, and respectful. The standards for fundraising are set out in the Code of Fundraising Practice. 
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Fundraising Promise

Our passionate team

Home Instead Charities is governed by a board of trustees made up of experienced, dedicated and committed people who have the best interests of our charity at heart. They are supported by the charities team who are dedicated to supporting and enhancing the lives of older people across the UK.

Together we achieve this by funding local community events that enhance and enrich the lives of older people with a focus on combating loneliness and preventing isolation; both of which are real issues amongst the elderly.

Why Us

Global charity, local impact

As a worldwide organisation with over a decade of experience, we offer the best of both worlds. We gather insights, ideas and innovations from all across the globe and put it to work in your community. All that expertise is collated together, meaning we can provide local charity initiatives with the weight of a global business behind them.
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Donate now and bring a sense of community to isolated ageing adults

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